Does Ambani stay at Antilia?

Does Ambani stay at Antilia?

It’s confirmed: Ambanis will continue to stay at ‘Antilia’, and not relocate to London.

Is Antilia more expensive than Burj Khalifa?

The constructed cost of Antilla is estimated to be around $1 billion. The constructed cost of Burj Khalifa is estimated to be around $1.5 billion. As far as the construction cost is to be compared both have almost the same cost.

Is Antilia east facing?

Ambani – said Antilia appeared to run afoul of one of the key principles of Vaastu: the building’s eastern side does not have enough windows or other openings to let residents receive ample morning light. “From the outside what I see is that the eastern side is blocked while the western side is more open,” he said.

Is Antilla expensive than Buckingham Palace?

Antilia in Mumbai, India Antilia, built over 4,00,000 sq ft. is valued at around $1 billion. Since Buckingham Palace is the Crown’s property, Antilia is officially the most expensive private house and the biggest mansion in the world.

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Does Ambani follow Vastu?

The owner, Mukesh Ambani, and his spokesman have declined to discuss the matter, leaving the theorists plenty of room to ruminate. One popular explanation is that, despite the time and money lavished upon it, the building does not conform to the ancient Indian architectural doctrine known as vastu shastra.

What is the height of the Antilia?

The house is built over a 49,000-square-foot plot and extends to a height of 550 feet. 3. Ceilings of several floors at Antilia are double-heighted, thus making its height approximately equal to the height of a standard building of 45 floors. 4.

What’s so special about the Antilia?

The Antilia is a 27-storey building (designed to survive an 8-Richter scale earthquake, btw) with ceilings so high that a building this tall with regular ceilings would’ve had anything between 40 and 60 floors. This five-person family sure has some high demands. Get it?! HIGH demands! 3. The cars get extra love with 6 (S-I-X) whole floors for ’em.

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What is the garden like at Antilia?

It might be a skyscraper, but Antilia still has a garden. It lies in the space that holds the ‘W’-shape beams that support the upper floors. The hanging gardens are not just for show though; the plants are energy-saving devices that absorb sunlight keeping the interior of the house cool.

What are the features of Antilia by Ambanis?

5. Antilia is named after the mythical Atlantic island of Antillia 6. Antilia boasts of its own hanging garden that apart from adding a colourful splendor also save energy and keep the interiors of the house cool. 7. Ambanis got built a huge garage inside Antilia.