
Does Canada exist in Fallout?

Does Canada exist in Fallout?

Canada is mentioned on the terminal of disgruntled soldier Jackie. There is a special encounter in Fallout Tactics called “Canadian Invasion Recreationists.” During this encounter, Clarisse will instruct a group to gather next to the American side of a line drawn on the ground.

Is Canada destroyed in Fallout?

Canada was definitely hit, and from Mothership Zeta (Fallout 3), we can see that it’s also reasonably devastated. You have to remember, Canada was annexed by the US. By 2077, it was already officially a part of the US.

Did anywhere survive in fallout?

We can deduce that no other major nation survived the Great War intact, or even anywhere close to intact, because if they had then they would have sent expeditions to the USA in the hundreds of years since the bombs fell.

Does Canada become part of the US in Fallout?

In Fallout, the US annexed Canada pre-war, so does this mean that all of Canada became part of the U.S.? 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank. We’ve put together a list of 8 money apps to get you on the path towards a bright financial future.

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What was the American annexation of Canada?

The American Annexation of Canada was a major military campaign during the Sino-American War that occured sometime in 2067.

What happened to Canada in Fallout Bible 0?

↑ Fallout Bible 0: “2069 Canada begins to feel the pressure from the United States military as the US draws upon Canadian resources for the war effort. Vast stretches of timberland are destroyed, and other resources in Canada are stretched to the breaking point. Many Americans refer to Canada as Little America, and Canadian protests are unheard.”

What was the US-Canada War of 1854?

It was an event in which the United States of America had decided to invade and annex its northern neighbor of Canada in an effort to maintain control over the Alaskan Pipeline and have complete access to the country’s natural resources.