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Does dark energy have mass?

Does dark energy have mass?

In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy is an unknown form of energy that affects the universe on the largest scales. The mass–energy of dark matter and ordinary (baryonic) matter contributes 26\% and 5\%, respectively, and other components such as neutrinos and photons contribute a very small amount.

Does darkness have matter?

In fact, researchers have been able to infer the existence of dark matter only from the gravitational effect it seems to have on visible matter. Dark matter seems to outweigh visible matter roughly six to one, making up about 27\% of the universe.

Does dark matter have weight?

Physicists previously estimated that dark matter particles had to be lighter than the “Planck mass” – about 1.2 x 10^19 GeV, at least a 1,000 times heavier than the largest-known particles — yet heavier than 10^minus 24 eV to fit with observations of the smallest galaxies known to contain dark matter, he said.

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Does darkness affect the mass of anything?

, I write mainly about Science, Sci-fi and reasoning. Darkness is just an absence of light (visible light). As all electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, is massless, the mass of anything shouldn’t be affected by the absence of the emission of visible light.

Does darkness have particles?

Yes. They’re called darkicles and are thought to be the main constituents of black holes. Only kidding. Of course darkness doesn’t have particles. Darkness is not a thing – it’s just the absence of light. What on earth are you talking about?

Does light have mass?

Does light have mass? The short answer is “no”, but it is a qualified “no” because there are odd ways of interpreting the question which could justify the answer “yes”. Light is composed of photons, so we could ask if the photon has mass.

What does darkness mean to you?

Darkness means everything. Not only the “Abscence of light”, but also a vacuum which contains fields and waves and energy travelling at the light speed. Also there are neutrinos travelling at high speed. Sterile neutrinos also going through the earth every single second.