
Does Elizabeth know Booker is her father?

Does Elizabeth know Booker is her father?

Elizabeth reveals she is also Booker’s daughter, Anna DeWitt, whom Booker had sold to the Lutece twins to pay off gambling debts.

Is there an alternate ending to BioShock Infinite?

There are no lasting differences in the game’s ending because the story is destined to end the same way regardless. One player will progress through the game in broadly the same way as another and the end result will always be the same.

What is Under the Big Daddy suit?

What’s inside was human, the armor suit is grafted directly onto the body and attached to bones and organs. Basically they are cyborgs, a human that now wears the armor instead of skin; once attached it is not removable.

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Is Comstock A DeWitt?

Comstock is an alternate version of Booker DeWitt. After the Battle of Wounded Knee, Booker was overcome with guilt for the atrocities he committed and sought a way to absolve himself of his sins. Elizabeth reveals that to truly destroy Comstock, in the set of realities where he accepts the baptism, Booker must die.

Who was the songbird?

Songbird is a giant metallic bird-like creature that has been Elizabeth’s caretaker and only friend for twelve years. Despite Songbird being robotic in nature, Songbird feels a sense of betrayal by Elizabeth’s need and ongoing attempts to escape Columbia with Booker DeWitt. Songbird is a massively powerful being.

What happened to Elizabeth after BioShock Infinite?

The Luteces begrudgingly come to Elizabeth’s aid and explain that when she died, she remained in existence because of her quantum-superposition, but she could not return to Rapture without collapsing her unique quantum state and becoming a normal person – a result of returning to the dimension in which she first died.

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Why does Booker bleed from his nose?

It comes back to what Rosalind Lutece wrote in her book: “[The mind will] struggle to create memories where none exist.” Booker’s nose bleeds when he comes into contact with Comstock because his brain is, subconsciously, trying to piece together the memories of how he ended up there – even though no such memories exist …

What is inside a Big Daddy?

Big Daddies are heavily spliced (genetically engineered and altered with ADAM) human beings who have had their bodies directly grafted into heavily armored, steampunk-inspired atmospheric diving suits. They are armed with a rivet gun, heavy drill, rocket launcher, or ion laser.

What happened to Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite?

In the ending sequence of Bioshock Infinite, all Elizabeths other than our own vanish with each of the piano ques. Which leaves her all alone, all forgotten. If anything, it’s possible that the Booker of this particular Elizabeth never went to rescue her, meaning she’s all alone in this world.

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What is BioShock Infinite like to play?

Bioshock Infinite is actually like playing Bioshock,where the major facts are identical to each other but everything else including the world is different. Does “our” Elizabeth live on beyond the end of Bioshock Infinite?

How do you become Columbia in BioShock Infinite?

In BioShock Infinite, we’re given two main universes. One in which DeWitt accepts his baptism and eventually becomes Comstock, thus leading to the creation of Columbia. The second is where DeWitt refuses the baptism, thus creating the man you play as throughout the game.

Who is Andrew Ryan in BioShock?

In BioShock Infinite’s case, Comstock came into existence, and created Columbia, whereas in BioShock 1 and 2, Andrew Ryan came into existence, and created Rapture. Because of Booker’s ability to use a bathysphere near the end of the game when Elizabeth brings him to Rapture, there’s speculation floating around regarding Andrew Ryan’s true identity.