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Does everyone in the United States speak English?

Does everyone in the United States speak English?

Most Americans still only speak English. The US Census estimates that around 231 million Americans aged five years or older, or about 80\% of the population, speak only English at home.

How many people in the US don’t know English?

In nine U.S. states, more than one in four residents speak a non-English language at home. These states represent 67\% of all non-English speaking U.S. residents. This percentage is interesting when we see that in 1980, the non-English speaking residents were one in four in just two states – New Mexico and Hawaii.

Why is English such an important language today?

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Although English is not the most spoken language in the world, it is the official language in 53 countries and is spoken as a first language by around 400 million people worldwide. It gives you an open door to the world and helps you communicate with global citizens.

Should English be an official language in the United States?

The discussion about English as an official language in the US is not new. In 1753, US founding father Benjamin Franklin expressed his fears that the growing population of immigrants of German descent would make English a minority language. In the early 1900s, US President Theodore Roosevelt stated his belief.

Can English speakers speak more than one language?

Despite the wide variety of languages spoken across the country, most English speakers can’t speak anything but English. Only a fifth of American adults can speak a second language. It’s a surprisingly low fraction of the population compared to other countries—66\% of adults across Europe can speak multiple languages.

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Do we really only have room for one language in America?

In the early 1900s, US President Theodore Roosevelt stated his belief. “We only have room for one language in this country, and it is English.” During the 1960s Civil Rights movement, the US Congress passed several laws that guaranteed citizens’ access to essential public documents – such as ballots – in languages other than English.

Do all immigrants learn English immediately when they come to America?

Not everybody learns English immediately when they come to this country. Some of us had ancestors who could barely speak English their whole lives. Many of these “old” immigrants — the ones from Europe that the English-only people seem to consider the “good” immigrants — lived in neighborhoods with other people from their homelands.