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Does God fulfill your wishes?

Does God fulfill your wishes?

God is the word we use for the Creator of this incredible universe and everything in it, including ourselves. He is not there to “fulfil our wishes”. In fact, most of our “wishes” are really quite harmful.

What is the meaning may all your wishes come true?

—used to say that someone gets what he or she wished for.

Can I say may all your wishes come true?

As far as I know “May all your wishes come true” is the only correct form and always has been.

What to reply to May all your dreams come true?

The correct response would be, “Thank you!

Is wish fulfillment just a parlor trick?

Not every gadget or technique is a parlor trick. Wish fulfillment involves knowing how to utilize the great powers of the universe. Most people believe that in order to fulfill their wishes, they must go out and use their hands to force things to their will.

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What is the best way to fulfill your wish?

Wish fulfillment is not about conquering people and things, it’s about being successful. Your success and the success of another must align in order to use them to get what you want. This need must also be reciprocated. Make sure you talk to the other person and get into an agreement before focusing your energies toward the goal.

How can I Make my Wish Come True?

In this way your wish should be fulfill and the day in which your wish come true light a lamp (Deepak) with ghee and then burn that paper in which your wish is written with its flame then took the ash of the paper and through it in the open space and pray to god and give thanks to him.

How do you get the things you want in life?

Concentrate your thoughts and energies toward your goal and desires, while actively pushing energy toward the water. Water is said to be a conductor for information, and drinking this charged water first thing in the morning and right before bed could give life to the things you want.