
Does God want us to ask him for things?

Does God want us to ask him for things?

God tells us to ask because prayer is inviting God to get involved in our lives personally and in whatever situations and circumstances we are facing in our life. He loves us so much. He respects our will to choose to allow Him to be a part of our life so He waits for us to ask Him to get involved.

Can you ask God for signs?

God wants His people to depend on Him for deliverance. In our lives today, asking God for a sign connotes that we want His answer before we move. But God also knows our motives. If we’re asking Him for a sign for ourselves – a selfish and pointless desire to know then chances are, you won’t get any.

How do you know you’ve received the Holy Spirit?

Signs of being filled with the holy spirit is the evidence of speaking in tongues. After salvation, a believer can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and they will speak in tongues. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

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Is it a sin to stare at beautiful / handsome people?

Controlling your gaze toward beautiful / handsome people you encounter is a matter of understanding motives. If your intention is to lust and fantasize about it later, then that is a sin. If you are simply admiring one of God’s human beings, then you are probably just fine.

Is it a sin to find a girl attractive?

Look, it is totally natural to find attractive another human being whom God has created —males and females. To acknowledge a person’s attractiveness is not a sin, nor does it necessarily lead to sexual sin. It is just fine if you have a crush or find someone attractive enough to consider a romantic relationship.

Is it a sin to look lustfully at someone?

A simple glance or reasonable gaze at someone we find attractive is not a sin in and of itself. When we dive into lustful thoughts in our minds is when we have crossed over into sexual sin. What does it mean to look lustfully? If you haven’t read the 412teens article about lust, now might be a good time: What is lust?

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What does the Bible say about looking at pretty people?

If you’re looking at pictures of pretty people and finding yourself tempted to fantasize or they are invoking sexual feelings, then it would be best to avoid them. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 tells us to “flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.