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Does infinity last forever?

Does infinity last forever?

It goes on forever in both directions—both positive and negative. That’s an example of infinity. The idea of infinity is used mainly in the fields of math and physics. It describes a quantity without end.

Why can an actual infinite not exist?

In this context, infinity does not exist. In the context of a topological space, in which “infinity” would mean something that certain sequences of numbers converge to. So there does not exist any one single “infinity” concept; instead, there exists a whole collection of things called “infinite cardinal numbers”.

Does infinite ever stop?

Infinity has no end So don’t think like that (it just hurts your brain!). Just think “endless”, or “boundless”. If there is no reason something should stop, then it is infinite.

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Can infinity exist in real life?

“Actual infinity does not exist. What we call infinite is only the endless possibility of creating new objects no matter how many exist already. ” H. Poincar e (1854-1912). “Every infinity is potential.” Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) “Actual infinity exists” Geprge Cantor (1845-1918) It is a very controversial question.

Is there such a thing as Infinity?

In this context, such “infinity” concepts do exist but there are more than one of them, since not all infinite sets have the same size. So there does not exist any one single “infinity” concept; instead, there exists a whole collection of things called “infinite cardinal numbers”.

What did Aristotle say about infinite infinities?

Aristotle banned actual infinities: he said they couldn’t exist. This was bound up with his other belief, that there couldn’t be a perfect vacuum in nature. If there could, he believed you would be able to push and accelerate an object to infinite speed because it would encounter no resistance.

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Is infinfinity the gift which keeps on giving?

Infinity is the gift which keeps on giving, and could carry on doing so forever. However, what you shall physically receive shall always be finite, regardless of how long you insist on taking. Now have another look at the piece of string you cut out with your newly found scissors. You can now measure it.

Is infinity minus 1 meter the same as Infinity?

No, infinity minus 1 metre still equals infinity. Hopefully this demonstrates how an infinite quantity cannot physically exist. Infinity instead represents an endless potential. Infinity is the gift which keeps on giving, and could carry on doing so forever.