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Does Kundalini Awakening cause pain?

Does Kundalini Awakening cause pain?

During a Kundalini awakening, people report physical sensations, such as warmth or tingling, disorientation, and some temporary discomfort. If a person isn’t fully prepared for the experience, some people claim they may experience long-term negative effects.

What happens when you awaken kundalini?

Once awakened, the extreme power of Kundalini Shakti energy changes the person’s life completely. He or she might experience tremendous social and emotional change. Some might even experience the traumatic past experience or constant personality shifts.

What is Kundalini energy and how to activate it?

Kundalini energy is the energy of your being which sits at the base of your spine, in the root chakra. It wakes up when you start meditating, visualizing or doing other spiritual activities. Right before this energy is activated, people usually dream of serpents or goddesses which are the signs of this energy becoming activated.

What is a Kundalini rising?

Although there are clearly discernable patterns to Kundalini process, Kundalini risings offer a limitless array of possibilities, and each is unique. A Kundalini rising does not necessarily result in automatic holiness, virtue, genius, special abilities, extraordinary experiences, or peculiar discomforts.

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How does Kundalini light up chakras?

Imagine the chakra system as existing on a single electrical circuit that runs lengthwise up the spine with lights at the location of each of the chakras. As Kundalini rises and travels up the spinal column, it passes through each of the chakras on its way giving each a boost, so to speak, and making it light up.

What does a Kundalini awakening feel like?

They can move into some strange modes of behavior. The real full-on Kundalini Awakening experience is a surge of energy coming from Muladhara up the back of the spine, over the top of the head, and culminating in the forehead. The whole system has awakened.