Does latitude affect height?

Does latitude affect height?

Evidence was also found for curved relationships between latitude and both male and female stature, as well as stature dimorphism, all indicating a maximum at around 40 degrees from the equator. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate that both male and female stature are weakly associated with latitude.

What determines the height of a human?

DNA is the main factor determining a person’s height. Scientists have identified more than 700 different gene variants that determine height. Some of these genes affect the growth plates, and others affect the production of growth hormones.

What is the maximum height a human can reach?

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According to John Wass at the University of Oxford, a specialist in acromegalic gigantism (explained below), our upper limit is around 9 feet. To survive even for a few months at that height would be a bit of a miracle.

Why are there such a wide range of heights in humans?

About 80 per cent of the normal variation in human height is the result of inherited genetic differences between people, with the rest of the height difference being due to environmental influences, such as diet or upbringing.

How does latitude affect cloud heights?

In addition to cloud type determining its height, latitude plays a role in how high a cloud is in the sky. Because of this, high clouds in the tropics have a higher base and a higher top than high clouds in the mid-latitudes or high clouds in the tropics.

How does latitude affect plant growth?

Plants from high latitudes tended to have smaller plant size in terms of seed size, cotyledon width, rosette size, number of rosette leaves, size (leaf area) of the largest leaves, total leaf area, and total dry weight per plant than those from low latitudes.

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How can we determine the heritability of human height?

Many studies have estimated the heritability of human height. Often, these studies determine heritability by estimating the degree of resemblance between relatives. One can separate genetic effect from environmental effects by correlating genetic similarity between relatives (twin, siblings, parents and offspring) with their similarity in height.

What is the relationship between genetics and average height?

Genetics is a major factor in determining the height of individuals, though it is far less influential in regard to differences among populations. Average height is relevant to the measurement of the health and wellness ( standard of living and quality of life) of populations.

What is the definition of latitudes in geography?

latitude. Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator. It is measured with 180 imaginary lines that form circles around the Earth east-west, parallel to the Equator. These lines are known as parallel s. A circle of latitude is an imaginary ring linking all points sharing a parallel.

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Is human height a quantitative or a Qualitative Trait?

Human height is a quantitative, or metric, trait, i.e., a characteristic that is measured in quantity, and is controlled by multiple genes and environmental factors. Many studies have estimated the heritability of human height.