
Does Limburger cheese really smell?

Does Limburger cheese really smell?

Once it reaches three months, the cheese produces its notorious smell because of the bacterium used to ferment Limburger cheese and many other smear-ripened cheeses. This is Brevibacterium linens, the same one found on human skin that is partially responsible for body odor and particularly foot odor.

How does Limburger cheese taste?

This cheese has a significant grassy and mushroomy taste underlined by a delicate tang at the end. Limburger goes well with Belgian style ales and icy cold bock beer. It tastes best when it is served between two slices of dark rye bread along with a slice of onion.

What cheese is the stinkiest?

Epoisse de Bourgogne
If you’ve read anything about stinky cheese, you may know that a particular French cheese from Burgundy, Epoisse de Bourgogne, usually gets top marks for being the smelliest cheese in the world. Aged for six weeks in brine and brandy, it’s so pungent that it’s banned on French public transport.

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Does Limburger taste good?

Limburger Cheese – Paired 3 Ways This very-German flavor combination is a definite classic for all taste buds. This stinky cheese is perfect for snacking! Whether spread on crackers or placed among other cheeses on a board – the flavor compliments well with many unsuspected foods.

What kind of cheese is Limburger?

Limburger, semisoft surface-ripened cow’s-milk cheese that has a rind of pungent odour and a creamy-textured body of strong flavour. Limburger originated in the Belgian province of Liège and was first sold at markets in Limbourg.

Do they still make Limburger cheese?

Limburger Cheese is especially known for its pungent odor. Most Limburger Cheese today comes from Germany. Today, only one company in the United States still makes it, the Chalet Cheese Cooperative of Monroe, Wisconsin.

Is it safe to eat Limburger cheese?

When the cheese is only a few weeks old, it’s mild and crumbly—a bit like feta—with a bit of a yeasty smell. Like all washed-rind cheeses, Limburger ripens from the outside in…and since the rind contains most of the funk, cut it off before serving. Just remember: it smells far worse than it tastes.

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Does Limburger cheese need to be refrigerated?

LIMBURGER CHEESE, SOLD IN WRAPPED BLOCK – UNOPENED OR OPENED Keep cheese refrigerated. Frozen cheese may become crumbly and lose some of its flavor; the thawed cheese will be best suited to cooked dishes, such as sauces, soups and casseroles.

What do you do with Limburger cheese?

The classic way to serve Limburger is on rye bread with sliced red onion and brown horseradish mustard or sweet-hot mustard. A lot of folks love it with strawberry jam, either as the sole condiment (especially at Stage 2) or in addition to mustard.

What color is Limburger cheese?

Limburger is a soft, creamy cheese with a soft, inedible rind. The cheese is usually creamy to pale yellow, with a darker orange rind.

Can you eat the rind on Limburger cheese?

Enjoy! Once you remove Limburger from the rind— the source of its potent power— this cheese is actually quite delicate in flavor. (The rind is edible, by the way, but it will make the flavor of your Limburger much stronger; so Limburger with the rind is not for the faint of heart.)