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Does Marvel have a dark multiverse?

Does Marvel have a dark multiverse?

There are a lot of epic storylines in Marvel comics, but some storylines take place in a truly dark universe. Alternate timelines that turn into their own universes or worlds where the heroes became monsters, the Marvel Universe is not immune to some truly dark and terrifying worlds in the multiverse.

Is there a universe where Marvel is real?

History. Earth-1218 is the designation given to our reality, where super-heroes and other super-powered beings don’t physically exist. This universe may appear somewhat dull from a cerebral perspective, but it does have its good sides, for those willing to recognize them.

Is DC Comics darker than Marvel?

DC is often perceived as darker because they have a tendency to use darker tones and art. Marvel literally has had two story lines that revolve around the concept of heroes fighting, even killing each other, but nobody ever said a word about it being ‘dark’. They destroy entire worlds and universes.

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Who used multiverse first DC or Marvel?

It isn’t just Marvel; arch-rivals DC Comics actually came up with the multiverse concept first – way back in 1961, in a celebrated edition of The Flash in which Barry Allen (the current Flash) ends up in a parallel universe named Earth-Two, where his predecessor, Jay Garrick (the Flash character from the DC comics of …

Does the Marvel Universe have a multiverse?

Alternate timelines that turn into their own universes or worlds where the heroes became monsters, the Marvel Universe is not immune to some truly dark and terrifying worlds in the multiverse.

Is Marvel’s Dark Universe truly dark?

There are a lot of epic storylines in Marvel comics, but some storylines take place in a truly dark universe. The Marvel Universe has had some of the brightest, most heroic moments in comic history. Yet many of those moments stem from some truly dark worlds that inhabit the multiverse.

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What is DCDC’s Tales from the Dark Multiverse?

DC’s newly announced Tales from the Dark Multiverse promises to offer a new, darker look at its iconic characters and storylines. The upcoming specials will feature versions of these stories where things don’t work out for the heroes, and they end up either corrupted or killed in the line of duty.

What is the darkest timeline in Marvel Comics?

One of the darkest timelines and alternate universes in Marvel Comics has to be the one found in Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher. In this universe, designated as Earth-11080, the world has been nearly wiped out by a horrendous virus, which turns victims into monstrous cannibals and predators in the wild.