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Does religion maintain social order?

Does religion maintain social order?

Religion helps to create social order and maintains the value consensus. Durkheim, Parsons and Bellah argue that religion performs important functions for society, while Malinowksi argues that it performs an important function for the individual.

How does religion justify social order?

According to Marx religious beliefs serve to justify the existing, unequal social order and prevent social change by making a virtue out of poverty and suffering. Religion also teaches people that it is pointless striving for a revolution to bring about social change in this life.

Is religion a social role?

Though religion is a highly personal thing, yet it has a social aspect and social role to play. It has been a powerful agency in society and performed many important social functions. Green, religion has three universal functions.

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How does religion contribute to social change?

Religion has historically been an impetus to social change. The translation of sacred texts into everyday, non-scholarly language empowered people to shape their religions. Disagreements between religious groups and instances of religious persecution have led to wars and genocides.

How does religion maintain social inequality?

The social-conflict approach to religion highlights how religion, as a phenomenon of human behavior, maintains social inequality by advancing a worldview that justifies oppression. Karl Marx viewed religion as a social control used to maintain the status quo in a given society.

Does religion act as a force for social change?

Religion as a conservative force means that it keeps things the same – religion is a force for stability and social order. Other sociologists see religion as force for social change – the role of religion is to encourage society to change. Sociologists who believe this may have been influenced by the work of Max Weber.

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Can religion be a source of social order?

Enhanced law enforcement may do so initially, but, in the longer run, a rather different kind of authority must become the major source of social order if it is to be considered legitimate, which, in turn, is essential for sustained stability. Religion (in its moderate, nonviolent expressions), I will show, is a major source of such authority.

What is the definition of religion in sociology?

In sociology there are broadly two approaches to the definition of religion. Social theorist, Emile Durkheim (1912), defines religion in terms of its social functions: religion is a system of beliefs and rituals with reference to the sacred which binds people together in social groups.

How has the role of religion in society changed?

Many sociologists share the view that the role religion plays in society has changed. Traditionally religion was seen as authority in all areas of social life; farmers prayed to the gods before planting crops, Priests or Shamans were responsible for healing.

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Is religion a declining power in Western societies?

Social theorists of the 19th and early 20th centuries generally agreed that religion was a declining power in western societies. Modern societies were becoming more complex, social institutions and occupations were becoming more specialised. Class and status groups were drifting further apart (Taylor et al. 1995).