
Does Rex have a monado?

Does Rex have a monado?

In Xenoblade Chronicles 2 The Monado is a clone of the Shield Hammer weapon, but has faster attacks and is a ATK weapon instead of a TNK weapon. It can be used by Rex, Nia, Mòrag and Zeke, each one of them with their own arts, including a variation of Monado Shield for Rex and Zeke.

Is Shulk still a God?

Its wielder has the power to “kill the gods”. With this blade, Shulk becomes a god, and decides the destiny of the universe, with the help of Alvis.

Can Rex see the future?

And to top it all off, while Rex and Shulk both have the ability to see the future, Shulk is the only one of the two who has shown anything close to the power to remove that ability; namely Monado Purge, which seals auras.

Can Shulk use other weapons?

Initially, Shulk uses the Junk Sword, which has a fixed attack value and gives Shulk Turn Strike as his Talent Art. All other Monados’ attack values scale with Shulk’s level up to 999-999, and equipping them allows Shulk to use Monado arts such as Monado Buster. All these weapons function identically otherwise.

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Is Alvis an Aegis?

Now, there are some pieces to suggest that he isn’t an Aegis, but rather the Trinity Processor itself (which housed the Aegises). These include him saying that he’s THE administrative computer and not one of the computers, and him having WAY more power than the two confirmed Aegises.

Who is ontos?

Ousia, in gnosticism, refers to the essence of God, the Father. Similarly, Ontos (or “ontology”) can be related to the existence of God. Pneuma, in a religious context, is often understood to be the Holy Spirit.

Is the aegis a monado?

The shape of an Aegis’ sword varies; Malos’ appears to be a Monado, while Pneuma’s, Mythra’s, and Pyra’s swords do not, although Pneuma’s has a ring at the base of the blade similar in design to a Monado.

How old is Shulk?

Shulk is an 18-year-old “Homs” – the game’s fictional equivalent of a human.

Does Rex Love Pyra or Mythra?

Rex and Pyra do love each other, obviously – she sacrificed a lot to keep him alive – but it’s entirely platonic. They don’t split up after the game ends, but their relationship is not one based on passion.

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How old is Pyra?

by Pyra is a young woman with a red bob-cut and red eyes. Pyra was designed by Masatsugu Saitō, the lead character designer for the game. Rex is under 15, Pyra is in the 10’s of thousands, possibly older, Zeke is 25, the rest are unknown. Pyra is the secondary protagonist of Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

What is shulk’s best weapon?

Top 3 Shulk Weapons

  • Monado Abyss. The Monado Abyss is obtained as a reward for completing Replica Monado 3.
  • Replica Monado. The Replica Monado is given to you after you progress far into the Main Story Quest.
  • Monado Rudra. The Monado Rudra is obtained during the Replica Monado 2 quest.

What is Shulk’s sword?

Shulk’s Monado also known as the True Monado or Monado III is the sword bestowed upon Shulk by Ontos then refered as Alvis to defeat Zanza and create a new universe.

Who would win in a fight Rex or Shulk?

Rex with only only an Aegis weapon and no actual Aegis with him seems to me would lose to Shulk with just the Monado, simply because Shulk can do Foresight on his own as opposed to Rex relying on Myhtra. Essentially, just swords and powers, Shulk would win. With the Blade person, Rex would win.

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What is the difference between Rex and Shulk?

Shulk only has access to 8 driver arts and 8 blade specials at a time, compared to Rex’s 9 and 16. Additionally, the highest level enemy we know Shulk is able to kill is Avalanche Abassy at level 120, while for Rex it’s Tyrannotitan Kurodiil at level 130.

Who would win in a fight between Rex and Alvis?

Honestly the whole Pneuma = Alvis = Malos thing is the primary reason Rex would probably win. Because the three trinity cores are roughly equal, and Rex has a few extra powerful blades on his side, like Catalyst, Kos-Mos, etc.

Who is immune to Shulk’s wrath?

The only one immune to Shulk’s wrath is Siren, since they fly out of reach. Now, Artifice Aion and Rex fighting side by side might be unbeatable, but Aion requires a pilot.