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Does Shelob work for Sauron?

Does Shelob work for Sauron?

Shelob is described in The Two Towers as an “evil thing in spider-form… [the] last child of Ungoliant to trouble the unhappy world”, living high in the Ephel Dúath mountains on the borders of Mordor. Although she resided in Mordor and was unrepentantly evil, she was independent of Sauron and his influence.

Can Shelob take the ring?

3 Answers. She might, but she would not have used it. The spiders and spider-things we read about in Tolkien’s work are all motivated primarily by the same thing: hunger. The spiders of Mirkwood capture Bilbo and the dwarves for food: the fact they’re also foiling Gandalf’s plan is merely a coincidence.

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Could smaug have defeated Sauron?

In a fair fight smaug would crush Sauron. This is the guy who was defeated by a dog in the first age. (Huan) Smaug is just so big and has so much attack potential in a fair fight that Sauron would stand no chance. Smaug was made for war.

Can Sauron with the Ring defeat Morgoth?

It took Elendil and Gil Galad to defeat Sauron bearing the One Ring. It took TULKAS to defeat Morgoth way before the first age, back when Utummo was his main stronghold. In the First Age, Morgoth crashed Fingolfin, maybe the mightiest elven warrior ever. Morgoth in his prime would utterly destroy Sauron.

How did Sauron betray Shelob?

History. In the Second Age, Shelob had been Sauron’s ally and lover prior to him betraying her for an opportunity to corrupt Suladân with a Ring of Power. To prevent this vision from coming to pass, she abducts Celebrimbor and forces Talion to relinquish the New Ring to her.

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How did Shelob get the ring?

Shelob’s efforts to sow mistrust between Talion and Celebrimbor ultimately result in Talion seeing the undead elf for the aspiring tyrant he is, causing Celebrimbor to take the New Ring and possess Eltariel, leaving Talion for dead.

Could Tom have defeated Sauron?

69 No, Tom could not have defeated Sauron. As Gandalf mentioned, Tom could not use the Ring’s power – rather the Ring did not affect him. ‘It seems that he has a power even over the Ring.’ ‘No, I should not put it so,’ said Gandalf. `Say rather that the Ring has no power over him.

What did Shelob do to Sauron?

She feasted primarily on those who wandered into her webs, though if a particularly juicy morsel was available, she would silently pursue and kill it. Sauron was aware of Shelob’s presence in the mountains and allowed her to dwell there, for she made an excellent, if incidental, guard for the passage of Cirith Ungol.

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Would Tom Bombadil have beaten Sauron?

The origins and powers of Tom Bombadil are far too ambiguous to be matched up against Sauron with a declared victor. If this is a question of whether or not Tom ever would the answer is simple: no. Tom is uninterested in the affairs of the ring or the world outside the Old Forest.

Where do you fight Shelob in Aragorn’s quest?

Shelob is an optional boss in the Wii and PS3 versions of The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest, but only fought as an imaginary enemy in the Shire overworld’s Mushroom Woods. This optional boss fight is the end of a side quest available in the afternoon where Frodo Gamgee re-enacts Frodo’s perilous journey to her lair.