
Does Sisko ever become an admiral?

Does Sisko ever become an admiral?

Admiral Harmon Why is it, that Benjamin Sisko, who is so influential with the many wars that happens in the series, including ending the Klingon War and restoring the Khitomer Accords and later on leading the victories against the Dominion, never was promoted to be an Admiral.

When did Commander Sisko get promoted?

Sisko was promoted to Captain on stardate 48959 during the episode “The Adversary”.

What happened to Captain Sisko at the end of DS9?

He left DS9 at the end of the Dominion War to join the Bajoran Prophets, but returned to linear existence just in time for the birth of his daughter, Rebecca Jae Sisko.

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Why was Terry Farrell replaced on Deep Space Nine?

Terry Farrell said she needed a break Alongside the issues with Rick Berman, Terry Farrell has said that she was struggling to manage her chaotic schedule with Star Trek: DS9. According to Farrell, this was one of the main reasons she chose to leave the show when her contract expired.

Who is the captain in Deep Space Nine?

Benjamin Sisko
Capt. Benjamin Sisko (“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” 1993-1999)

Does Odo ever come back?

He sent one Jem Hadar to live on DS9 to learn to cooperate with Alpha Quadrant species . Odo did end up coming back to the Alpha Quadrant for a while, returning home and then came back again.

What does the Changeling say to Odo?

The Changeling, before he died, he whispered something to me.” “Go on.” “He said, ‘You’re too late. We’re everywhere’.”

What happened to Chief O Brien?

Chief O’Brien appeared in all seven seasons of DS9, although he was killed in the season 3 episode “Visionary” and was replaced by a version of himself from several hours in the future.

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What is a PAH Wraith?

The Pah-wraiths were non-corporeal beings and enemies of the Bajoran Prophets. Bajoran religious texts related that the Pah-wraiths once resided in the Celestial Temple alongside the Prophets. According to ancient Bajoran texts, they were “false Prophets”. The name “Kosst Amojan” was sometimes used to refer to them.

Why did Reggie leave the Becker show?

Some accounts say that she was fired after she led a revolt against the show since she was unhappy about the direction in which her character was going. Her character, Reggie, realized how pathetic her life really was after a one-night stand with Becker, and decided that if she didn’t leave then she never would.

What was Sisko’s plan to retake Deep Space 9?

In the plan presented to Starfleet Command, Sisko proposed to assemble a task force composed of elements from the Second, Fifth, and Ninth fleets and reinforced by a large contingent of Klingon warships. Launching from Starbase 375, the fleet would advance across the Bajoran sector and mount an assault to retake Deep Space 9 from Dominion hands.

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Will Captain Benjamin Sisko ever be back?

After joining the alien Prophets in the Celestial Temple, Captain Benjamin Sisko said he would “be back,” and now there might finally be a hint as to what he meant by that.

What are some examples of good captains in Star Trek?

Take Captain Benjamin Sisko, captain of the space station Deep Space 9 for example. While other captains all had a very important similarity when it came to their crews – they were all trained by Starfleet – Sisko’s was different.

Why did the captain punch Sisko?

When Q provokes Sisko, the captain punches him. Q can’t believe how unlike Picard Sisko is. That’s why Sisko is so great, he isn’t afraid to get dirty. When Sisko first arrived on DS9, the place was a mess.