Does the block universe exist?

Does the block universe exist?

Every moment of your life is out there, somewhere, in space-time. According to the block universe theory, the universe is a giant block of all the things that ever happen at any time and at any place. On this view, the past, present and future all exist — and are equally real.

Is the universe made of spacetime?

[+] The biggest lesson from Einstein’s general theory of relativity is that space itself isn’t a flat, unchanging, absolute entity. Rather it’s woven together, along with time, into a single fabric: spacetime. This fabric is continuous, smooth, and gets curved and deformed by the presence of matter and energy.

Is relativity proven?

Tests of general relativity General relativity has also been confirmed many times, the classic experiments being the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit, the deflection of light by the Sun, and the gravitational redshift of light. Other tests confirmed the equivalence principle and frame dragging.

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Is the block universe Minkowski spacetime?

The mathematics of Minkowski spacetime must represent an underlying physical structure and the block universe is the most likely embodiment of that physical structure. The mathematics of Minkowski spacetime must represent an underlying physical structure, but some other model is more likely to be correct e.g. growing block concept.

Is the block universe the logical conclusion of relativity?

The block universe is the logical conclusion of relativity; it is a logical consequence of the mathematics of Minkowski. The mathematics of Minkowski spacetime must represent an underlying physical structure and the block universe is the most likely embodiment of that physical structure.

What was Einstein’s reaction to Minkowski’s theory of spacetime?

Einstein’s initial reaction to Minkowski’s view of spacetime and the associated with it four- dimensional physics (also introduced by Minkowski) was not quite favorable: “Since the mathematicians have invaded the relativity theory, I do not understand it myself any more.”

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What are Hermann Minkowski’s papers on relativity?

This volume includes Hermann Minkowski’s three papers on relativity: The Relativity Principle, The Fundamental Equations for Electromagnetic Processes in Moving Bodies, and Space and Time. MIP H. Minkowski Space and Time http://minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/ ISBN 978-0-9879871-4-3 Space and Time Minkowski’s Papers on Relativity