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Does the Internet cause eating disorders?

Does the Internet cause eating disorders?

There is no direct causal link between seeing images and developing an eating disorder but some of the people we speak to believe such images were a trigger. Idealised images of the perfect body can be toxic to certain people and may exacerbate an underlying problem.

Do models cause eating disorders?

Teens living in households with a television were more than three times as likely to have such unhealthy attitudes. Images of ultrathin models and actresses have been blamed for decades for eating disorders, especially among teen girls.

How many models are underweight?

Eighty-one percent of models reported having a Body Mass Index (BMI) classified as underweight, and many said they faced significant pressure from modeling agencies to lose weight—including being told they would not be booked on jobs until they lost weight.

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How can I help my friend who has an eating disorder?

Along the latter stages of change, it is important to encourage your friend to seek help — through therapy, recovery retreats, doctor’s visits, or eating disorder support groups, and support them as they do so. But as I found, it is also really important to know that ultimately it is up to your friend to make these changes.

What is an an eating disorder?

An eating disorder is a mental illness, and it is something external to your friend. The disorder is not your friend themselves. It is painful to see a loved one suffer but remember they are not making these choices willfully; they are sick.

How can I Help my Friend with their mental health problems?

Gently encourage them to seek help from their GP who can refer them to a specialist. Offer to go to any appointments with them. In many ways, getting your friend to seek specialist help is the most important way you can help. You can also offer to be there if they want to tell other friends, partners or family.

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Why are people with eating disorders so afraid to ask for help?

People with eating disorders are often afraid to ask for help. Some are struggling just as much as you are to find a way to start a conversation about their problem, while others have such low self-esteem they simply don’t feel that they deserve any help.