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Does the Selective Service include women?

Does the Selective Service include women?

From the end of WWII until 1973, men were drafted to fill vacancies in the military. The Selective Service went into a “standby” period after 1973, but registration resumed in 1980. Women have been eligible to serve in all the same military occupations, including combat roles, as men since December 2015.

What happens if you don’t sign up for Selective Service system?

What Happens If You Don’t Register for Selective Service. If you are required to register and you do not, you will not be eligible for state-based student aid in many states, federal job training, or a federal job. You may be prosecuted and face a fine of up to $250,000 and jail time of up to five years.

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Is Selective Service require?

Eight states (California, Connecticut, Indiana, Nebraska, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming) have no such requirements, though Indiana does give men 18–25 the option of registering with Selective Service when obtaining a driver’s license or an identification card.

Is Selective Service mandatory?

Yes, you are still required to register with Selective Service. Virtually all men must register with Selective Service, even those who believe they’ll be exempt from serving. In the event of a draft, men called for induction would be able to make a claim for deferments, postponements, or exemption from serving.

Why do males have to register for Selective Service?

Fairness and Equity By registering all eligible men, Selective Service ensures a fair and equitable draft, if ever required. Exemptions and deferments apply only in the event of a draft.

Can I get financial aid without Selective Service?

You no longer need to register for the Selective Service to submit the FAFSA. If you want to access federal financial aid for college, you no longer need to register for the Selective Service, which registers men and is responsible for running a military draft.

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Why do only males have to register for Selective Service?