Tips and tricks

Does your college matter to employers?

Does your college matter to employers?

While the name of your school isn’t likely to land you a job, you’ll want to be sure that your degree is from an accredited institution. Employers want to feel confident, knowing you’ve received a quality education and will bring the skills you developed as an undergraduate student to the table if offered a position.

Is it worth going to a prestigious college?

Going to an Elite School Isn’t Essential for Future Professional Success. Specifically, the study concluded that a school’s prestige does have an impact on future earnings for business and liberal arts majors, but there is virtually no impact on future earnings for STEM majors.

What do employers say students don’t have the ability to do?

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Employers say students don’t have the ability to … think critically, innovate, solve complex problems and work well in a team. Is the problem that employers have unrealistic expectations or that universities and students are failing to develop critical skills?

Why aren’t there more college graduates with soft skills?

Eric Frazer has another explanation for the dearth of college graduates with soft skills—and it has nothing to do with college curricula. College students are more disengaged than students of decades past from campus sports, Greek life, volunteerism and other extracurricular activities that grow soft skills.

Are businesses struggling to find savvy graduates?

(Credit: Alamy) As the job market gradually improves, businesses say they aren’t finding enough savvy graduates who can start contributing from day one on the job.

What skills do employers really look for in college graduates?

And the classic four-year college education, with its emphasis on critical thinking, debating, viewing issues from several angles and communicating clearly, was designed to teach these skills. Yet nearly 3 in 4 employers say they have a hard time finding graduates with the soft skills their companies need.