How accurate does birth time have to be astrology?

How accurate does birth time have to be astrology?

The birth time is not only used to find out the positions of the planets but also your Ascendant (Rising Sign). An inaccurate birth time will produce erroneous reading in astrology. Therefore have your birth certificate before getting your natal chart made. Sometime the time in birth certificate is also not accurate.

How can I look up what time I was born?

How to Find Out What Time You Were Born

  1. Find out the name of the hospital where you were born.
  2. Contact the local or county town hall in the town where you were born.
  3. Contact your state’s Bureau of Vital Statistics to acquire a copy of the record of your birth.
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What is my birthplace?

Your birthplace is the place where you were born.

What is the difference between birthday and birth date?

A birthday is the anniversary of the birth of a person, or figuratively of an institution. There is a distinction between birthday and birthdate: The former, other than February 29, occurs each year (e.g. January 15), while the latter is the exact date a person was born (e.g. January 15, 2001).

Does birth date include year?

A birthdate is the full date, including the year, of birth. Abraham Lincolns birth date (or, date of birth) is February 12, 1809. His birthday is February 12.

What if I don’t know my time of birth?

As you can see, there are quite a few options available for those who don’t know their time of birth – so don’t panic. Take the steps that you can, in your own time, toward discovering a way to practice and learn about astrology that benefits your own unique situation.

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How accurate is a birth chart without a birth date?

Without your time of birth, it is impossible to know the precise positions of the planets – and because some planets move more quickly than others, casting a chart based on a birth time that is even an hour off can greatly affect the outcome of the chart, rendering many of the results inaccurate. What information actually changes?

How can I find out what time I was born?

There could be a record of your birth time recorded somewhere within memorabilia. If you don’t have a way to contact family or friends who were around or present when you were born – or if they simply don’t remember – the next step is to try to access your birth records.

Can I fall in love in my birth chart?

I’ll try my best to put this in terms that a beginning Astrology student can understand. Every single arena of life has a place in the birth chart. Falling in love is the domain of the 5th house in your birth chart.