How are all the Targaryens related?

How are all the Targaryens related?

Rhaegar was the son of the Mad King Aerys, and older brother to Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen. Lyanna was the only daughter of Rickard Stark, and sister to Ned, Benjen, and Brandon. Since Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, that means Daenerys is his aunt.

What family are the Targaryens based on?

As far as real world connections go, however, the Targaryens seem to draw a heck of a lot of inspiration from three very different civilizations: the Romans, the Egyptians, and the Normans. House Targaryen isn’t native to Westeros, you see. They were once a noble family of Old Valyria.

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How many generations of Targaryens are there?

16 generations
The full Targaryen family tree contains more than 100 characters and spans 16 generations of entirely fictional history.

How are khaleesi and Jon related?

After decades of fan theories and mysterious clues dropped on HBO’s “Game of Thrones,” the series revealed Jon Snow to be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. That means Daenerys Targaryen is Jon Snow’s aunt.

Are Aegon and Daenerys siblings?

No, they’re not brother and sister.

Who are the Targaryens and why do they matter?

The Targaryens are much more than pretty blondes with big pets, and their convoluted dynasty has vast repercussions for the present and future of Westeros. Not shown in this picture: Rhaegar’s other marriage to Lyanna Stark and the new Aegon (a.k.a. Jon Snow).

How is the Targaryen family tree related to Game of Thrones?

The family tree is complicated, to say the least. The Targaryens were known to marry within the family, marrying cousins and even siblings in order to keep the family bloodline “clean.” But here below are the important parts of the lineage as they related to Game Of Thrones.

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Who is Rhaegar Targaryen’s wife?

Rhaegar Targaryen was the firstborn son of Aerys II, a dashing silver-haired knight who ravished the hearts of all the ladies in Westeros. But it wouldn’t be Game of Thrones if he didn’t ravish the wrong one. Although married to Elia Martell, Rhaegar truly loved Lyanna Stark, sister of Eddard Stark and wife of Robert Baratheon.

Why is the Targaryen family called Aegon?

The name “Aegon” invokes the men who united all of Westeros — until Jon Snow’s father inadvertently helped shatter the realm. As Game of Thrones fans have heard time and again, the powerful Targaryen family unified the Seven Kingdoms. This is mainly thanks to the first Aegon Targaryen, known as Aegon the Conqueror.