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How are INFJs perceived?

How are INFJs perceived?

On the positive side of things, INFJs can be viewed as quite gentle and caring individuals with an enduring sense of responsibility that seems transcendent to some. We have a tendency to open our arms to the world even when we know briefly that we likely don’t have infinite strength. It never stops us from trying.

What are the cognitive functions of Infj?

INFJ is one of the “Diplomat“ personalities, comprised of the “Introverted,” “Intuitive,” “Feeling,“ and “Judging“ personality traits. This is deemed the rarest personality in existence. Their cognitive functions include introverted intuition, extraverted feeling, introverted thinking, and extraverted sensing.

How would you describe Infj personality?

An Advocate (INFJ) is someone with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging personality traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.

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Do INFJs make decisions easily?

Perseverant when it comes to their ideas and goals, INFJs are exceptionally decisive when it’s something they care about. As Judgers, they enjoy having things settled and are particularly happy when their decisions can change someone’s life for the better.

Why is INFJ indecisive?

INFJs often think everything through before moving forward, which can cause them to appear rather indecisive. They want to be sure about something, and will often analyze it for a while before proceeding. Once the INFJ commits to something this means they are entirely sure of it and will not back out.

Is Infj a feelers or thinkers?

Why INFJs Are Both Thinkers And Feelers (And How To Find a Balance Between the Two) INFJs are sensitive, compassionate people who care about other people’s feelings and want to make the world a better place. But they are also deep thinkers with a clear sense of logic and, often, a love of science.

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Why do INFJs have a hard time understanding other people’s emotions?

Unlike INFPs, who introvert their Feeling function and tend to be highly aware of what they are thinking and feeling, we INFJs have a hard time figuring out which feelings are our own and which ones belong to others. We tend to mix other people’s emotions with our own. We “absorb” other people’s emotional states without trying to do so.

How do INFJs make decisions?

The INFJ uses critical thinking skills to make most of their decisions, especially when those choices won’t affect anyone else. INFJs use their introverted thinking in connection to their introverted intuition, which can sometimes create a loop and this is often what causes the INFJ to go into their own little world for long periods of time.

Why do INFJs go into their own little world?

INFJs use their introverted thinking in connection to their introverted intuition, which can sometimes create a loop and this is often what causes the INFJ to go into their own little world for long periods of time. Their dominant function is actually their introverted intuition, which is how the INFJ absorbs and understands the world around them.

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Are INFJs over-reliant on introverted thinking?

Over-reliance on introverted thinking can make you: From the infographic: “INFJs are more tuned in to the world of abstract possibilities and perspectives (Ni) than they are to the concrete world of details and experiences (Se). However, they aspire to be at one with the environment surrounding them.