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Should I text my ex or move on?

Should I text my ex or move on?

According to Walfish, there’s definitely a time when it’s acceptable to text your ex—particularly when there are signs that you two might be able to reconcile. “These signs include that they express and demonstrate genuine accountability and remorse for having hurt you.

How do you respond to hope you are doing well text?

When someone says ‘I hope all is well with you’, this a respectful sign showing genuine care and regard. In this case, it would be best to reciprocate what the other person has said, to show that you accept their sentiments. You could reply by saying, ‘I hope all is well with you too, thank you for asking!

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Why would an ex randomly message you?

An unexpected text from your ex might mean they are tentatively holding their hand out for friendship. They are ready to move on and let you go ahead with your life. They are looking only for a friendship that gives both of you space and freedom while living your own life.

When to Text Your Ex to break up with someone?

When your ex is being sarcastic or bitter about what has happened between the two of you. Your ex sends you a desperate texting plea to meet to discuss the break up. When you feel angry and resentful. Fight back those urges to text him because it will make things worse.

What should I do when my ex texts me “I Miss You”?

When my ex texts me, “I miss you”. He might indeed miss you a lot, but if you are in the middle of your no contact period, be strong. The rush of dopamine he was use to getting when you were around is missing. He needs a fix. Don’t give it to him just yet. Play you cards right, you can build greater value.

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What to say when your ex doesn’t want to talk?

If you’re contacting them to apologize, try to keep things short and simple. There’s no need to play the blame game or exchange too many pleasantries — especially if your ex doesn’t want to chat. Express what you did wrong, say you’re sorry, and wish them well moving forward.

How many texts should you Send Your Ex?

Here are 24 texts to send an ex, based on the reason you’re reaching out. If You Want To Eeconnect… If you’re looking to reconnect in a platonic way (or want to see if they’re still into you) sending a friendly text about a life event or something you used to talk about is an easy way to get the conversation started.