
How are the United States and Australia similar?

How are the United States and Australia similar?

Originally Answered: What are the similarities between Australia and America? They are surprisingly similar, we are a mixed population, mostly based on immigrants and their descendants, we both speak English (well sort of), and we’re both robust democracies with similar Laws and culture.

Is Australia and USA same?

Many people don’t realize that Australia is really large, in-fact its about the same size as continental USA. Its also worth noting that Australia’s population is significantly less than America’s (the whole of Australia has about the same number of people living in it as the state of Texas).

Are Australian and American cultures similar?

Outwardly, Australian culture and American culture appear quite similar. Both are predominantly of Caucasian/Anglo-Saxon ancestry and share English heritage and language.

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What does Australia and South America have in common?

The most notable similarity throughout these two continents in the Cenozoic was the Fauna. The Fauna and food chains of both of these continents were extremely similar down to a very fine point. At the top of the food chain both countries had large flightless birds.

What country is Australia most similar to?

New Zealand is by far the most similar country to Australia. It was even asked to become one of Australia’s states when it formed. New Zealand citizens even have the right to live and work in Australia. Both are former British colonies with similar politics and culture.

What’s bigger USA or Australia?

United States is about 1.3 times bigger than Australia. Australia is approximately 7,741,220 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, making United States 27\% larger than Australia. Meanwhile, the population of Australia is ~25.5 million people (307.2 million more people live in United States).

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Why Australia is better than the US?

Australia is better because the crime rate is much lower that the United States. The crime rate is so low that police officers do not even carry guns with them. That is how safe Australia is. …