
How big is the second hand market in India?

How big is the second hand market in India?

According to Amarjeet Singh Batra, country manager, OLX India, a leading classifieds site, the estimated size of the second-hand market in India is about Rs 50,000-60,000 crore.

How big is the second-hand market?

More generally, the ThredUP study predicts the boom of the second-hand apparel market in the U.S.: it is expected to reach $77 billion within the next 5 years (vs. $36 billion in 2020).

How many used cars are sold each year in India?

Used car sales will grow at a faster pace

Passenger vehicle sales in India
Year Used car sales (in millions) New car sales (in millions)
FY17 3.6 3.1
FY19 4.0 3.4
FY21 3.8 2.6
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Why second hand market is growing?

The data suggests that secondhand fashion is also growing at a much faster rate than sustainable fashion with consumers turning to resale more and more, which has partly happened due to the emergence of more and easier-to-use resale sites, making it more straightforward and appealing for consumers to both sell and buy …

How big is the reselling industry?

First Research estimates the resale industry in the U.S. to have annual revenues of approximately $17.5 billion including revenue from antique stores which are 13\% of their statistics. ThredUP, an online resale marketplace, pegs the total resale market in 2018 at $24 billion …

How big is the car market in India?

In 2020, India was the fifth-largest auto market, with ~3.49 million units combined sold in the passenger and commercial vehicles categories. It was the seventh-largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in 2019.

Are second-hand car prices rising?

Second-hand car prices are rising at “unprecedented rates”, the AA has said, as more people consider buying used cars amid a low supply of new vehicles.

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Are second hand book shops profitable?

Second hand bookselling is very useful for profit margins – a gross profit of 75 – 80\% is achievable. ‘ ‘A key advantage of adding second hand titles to the bookselling mix is a further element of serendipity and surprise to the customers’ browsing experience.

How can I sell a book without ISBN?

The sensible thing to do is to sell on ebay! You can list them. Instead of an ISBN search enter title and author, if Amazon have it on there database (which they nearly always do) you’ll find the book.

How big is India’s book market?

NEW DELHI: India’s book market, currently worth Rs 261 billion making it the sixth largest in the world and the second largest of the English language ones, is expected to touch Rs 739 billion by 2020, says a survey.

How big is the second-hand book market?

There are no official statistics for the size of the second-hand book market. But a survey by Statista found that in both the UK and the US more than half of us are choosing to buy more books second-hand than we buy new.

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Are you buying more second-hand books than new?

But a survey by Statista found that in both the UK and the US more than half of us are choosing to buy more books second-hand than we buy new. And Patrik Oqvist from World of Books, the UK’s largest second-hand book retailer, estimates the market is growing by 8-10\% a year. “There’s no stigma to buying second-hand now,” says Mr Oqvist.

What is Nielsen India Book Market Report 2015?

“Nielsen India Book Market Report 2015: Understanding the India Book Market” was conducted in association with Association of Publishers in India ( API) and the Federation of Indian Publishers (FPI) to evaluate the opportunities and challenges facing the industry, as well as where its future lies.