How can an electric field be uniform?

How can an electric field be uniform?

A uniform electric field is a field in which the value of the field strength remains the same at all points. In a uniform electric field, as the field strength does not change and the field lines tend to be parallel and equidistant to each other. The electric field will be uniform at the centre of the plates.

Is electric field independent of distance?

Example: Electric field near a plane of charge. The result will show the electric field near an infinite plane of charge is independent of the distance away from the plane (the field does not fall off).

Why is electric field independent of distance?

The electric field is independent of the distance from the plane ONLY if the charged plane is infinitely large! If the charged plane has finite size, the electric field will approach that of a point charge at sufficient distance.

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How does electric field and electric potential vary with distance?

Electric Potential V of a Point Charge Thus V for a point charge decreases with distance, whereas E for a point charge decreases with distance squared: E=Fq=kQr2 E = F q = k Q r 2 . Recall that the electric potential V is a scalar and has no direction, whereas the electric field E is a vector.

Why is electric field non uniform?

When magnitude and direction of electric intensity are not the same at all the points in the electric field, then it is called a non-uniform electric field.

What is independent of distance?

you can extract that the potential is independent of the distance. It seems strange that the field does not depend from the distance from the plane because of coulombs law. One way to understand it is to think that AS FAR THE OBJECT MOVES FROM THE PLANE the more “effective” charge it can feel from it. Hope this helps!

Does potential difference depend on distance?

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Because electric potential is defined as the line integral of the electric field between two points, yes it does vary with distance. To give a few examples, the electric field of a point charge decreases with where r is the d from the charge.

How does potential vary with electric field?

As the test charge moves, the potential between it and another charge changes, as does the electric field. The relationship between potential and field (E) is a differential: electric field is the gradient of potential (V) in the x direction. This can be represented as: Ex=−dVdx E x = − dV dx .

Why is the electric field the same at any distance?

The direction of the vectors become less perpendicular to the plane as you get closer, hence reducing the overall electric field in the perpendicular direction. Both effects offset each other such that the electric field is the same at whatever distance.

What is the relation between distance and uniform dipole?

Uniform means there is no relation to distance. If you have a dipole, the field along a line perpendicular to a line segment between the charges, and passing thru the midpoint of the line segment, will approach a relationship that varies with 1/r^3 for r much greater than the distance between the charges. , Ph.D. from MIT, B.S. from Caltech.

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Why is the electric field of an infinite plane constant?

Having an infinite plane counteracts this diverging effect as adjacent lines keep the field directed perpendicular to the plane at a constant distance apart. You have the correct understanding of why the electric field is constant for any distance from the plane.

Does Gauss’s law apply to infinite lines of electric field?

Both effects offset each other such that the electric field is the same at whatever distance. However, wouldn’t this same argument apply to an infinite line? Gauss’s law shows that the electric field of an infinite line depends on the distance, but supposedly the same would happen as with the infinite plane, and yet it doesn’t.