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How can I buy lingerie without my mom knowing?

How can I buy lingerie without my mom knowing?

  1. Go to the store by yourself.
  2. Ask a friend.
  3. Buy some online and have them shipped to a friend’s house.
  4. Have some shipped to your house when it is around Christmas time if you think your parents will not look through it.

How do you wash a thong without your parents knowing?

You hand wash it in the bathroom sink with a little liquid laundry soap or dish soap. Rub it good, rinse it good with water, and wring it out til damp. Then, hang it up to dry on something in your room.

How do you clean Shein lingerie?

To handwash lingerie, add 2 capfuls or a squirt of our delicate detergent (our hand wash detergent) to a Wash Tub Basin or sink filled with cool to warm water. Submerge the item and gently agitate the water with your hands to evenly distribute soap. Soak for up to 30 minutes.

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How do you deep clean a thong?

Keep Your Thongs Looking As Good As You Do!

  1. Put some cold water into the sink and add a few drops of any commercial hand washing detergent.
  2. Submerge your thongs in the water and let them soak for a while.
  3. Gently squeeze the water through the material a few more times and then rinse the thongs in running cold water.

How do you air dry lingerie?

How to air dry your lingerie

  1. Hang items spaced apart. Whether you use a washing line, clothes horse or one of those circular hanging racks with pegs for your lingerie, be sure to space items so that they aren’t touching, and never lay items on top of each other.
  2. Dry somewhere with good ventilation and low humidity.

How do you hide things from your parents when they move?

Make sure to use things your parents are guaranteed not to use, move or throw away. Storing the item in a plastic bag or wrapping it in saran wrap can open up a few additional hiding opportunities. The bottom of a potted plant will go unchecked for months, and a proper liner can protect your items from water damage.

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How can I hide things from my neighbors?

Make sure you put them somewhere very well hidden, so nobody will find them. The woods are a great place with plenty of nooks and crannies to hide things. Try hiding a few green carrier bags in a thick prickly bush, but make sure they are out of sight. The shed or garage is a good place to hide larger items.

How can I hide my internet activity from my parents?

Steps Make sure you’ve covered your steps. Find ways to hide your browsing. Tab switch when your parents are around. Get all your accounts sorted. Make sure you can access your desired site. Don’t let your new Internet identity affect your ‘normal’ life. Conduct a Google search of your full name. Make sure you don’t act secretive.

How do you hide things in a trash can?

Place an inconspicuous stone or figurine (such as a lawn gnome) over the hiding spot to mark it. Store items between your trash can and the trash bag. Take out the trash bag and put some of your goodies in the trash can.