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How can I convince a manager for project release in TCS?

How can I convince a manager for project release in TCS?

Getting a release from a project in TCS is very tough….

  1. Take unplanned leaves as many as can.
  2. Take sick leaves. Show everyone that you are suffering from some health issue. Ask to leave early from office frequently.
  3. Do something that could result in escalations.
  4. Don’t follow your TL ,PL and manger’s odc rule.

How can I remove TCS leave?

The steps to apply Comp-Off from the ESS Portal:

  1. Click on the Menu Icon:
  2. Click on Comp-off Option:
  3. Click on the Plus Icon to apply for a new comp- off:
  4. Enter the date on which the employee has worked for (holiday/weekly off) and select the number of Days given in the dropdown, mention the reason and click on apply.

When should I get Out of a project?

You do not want to get out of a project just to land up unallocated in the bench. The best time to secure a release is right after the yearly appraisals, but then you’d have to grease the wheel about 3~4 months in advance, which means your ratings in previous project will suffer.

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How do I get released from a project?

For getting released from a project, you have to reach out to your Primary Supervisor and provide him or her the reason as to why you want to get yourselves released. If adequate number of resources are present in bench with same skill-set, then getting release is a piece of cake. Otherwise it gets tough and you need to be patient.

How do I get release from a project in Wipro?

To get release from project in wipro: Simple and straight dont work at all :p they will release you. Fight for your release with management ( you need guts to do this , as it will affect your hike and appraisal) . Discuss your aspiration and expectations with manager.

What is the best way to get out of a job?

Quite tuff job but not impossible 2) Take sick leaves. Show everyone that you are suffering from some health issue. Ask to leave early from office frequently. All these depicts that you are of no use for project.