How can I cover Indian polity for UPSC?

How can I cover Indian polity for UPSC?

UPSC IAS Exam 2021: 7 Effective Steps to Read Laxmikant Quickly for Indian Polity

  1. First Reading Should Be for Basic Understanding.
  2. Co-relate Chapters in Second Reading.
  3. Make Mind-Maps, Notes, and Tables.
  4. Sort More Time for Important Topics.
  5. Co-relate Chapters with Other Subjects.
  6. Co-relate Chapter with Current Affairs.

Is polity tough for UPSC?

Polity is one of the easiest of all the subjects to score as the syllabus is factual and concise. One can expect a lot of straight forward questions and can get most of the answers right in Polity section in the UPSC Prelims if revised thoroughly.

Is India polity a difficult subject for UPSC CSE?

India polity is one of the absolute key subjects for UPSC CSE. This is because a lot of questions appear in prelims as well as later on in GS 2 for mains and it has a lot of overlap with almost all the 4 GS papers. However, it has always remained one of the harder topi c s to crack for aspirants.

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Which is the best book for polity and governance for UPSC?

Laxmikant book for Polity till date has been the most reliable book for Indian Polity and Governance section of UPSC for almost all years barring a few which also should be noted as nothing should be missed while preparing for this exam.

How to prepare for Indian polity?

Questions from polity are both basic and dynamic in nature. When preparing the basics of a certain topic, you must ensure you study the related current events pertaining to the topic as well. Now, let’s move further to see how one can skillfully make use of studying the Laxmikant book of Indian Polity to score the highest marks in this subject.

What is the importance of Indian polity in IAS exam?

Indian Polity has a considerable weightage in all the three stages of the exam, i.e., the prelims, mains, and interview. This subject is highly theoretical in nature, but its study will aid you in formulating a better sense of awareness regarding the rights, duties, and responsibilities of an individual in India.