
How can I finish my UPSC syllabus in 6 months?

How can I finish my UPSC syllabus in 6 months?

Get yourself enrolled in a reliable test-series, and prepare the questions well. Keep on revising them consistently. Don’t neglect the CSAT paper: Although you just need 33\% for CSAT, it is important that you prepare it well. Practise questions on Quant and Reasoning from the previous years’ papers.

Is 6 months enough to clear UPSC?

Six months is sufficient time to prepare for UPSC Prelims even if you are a beginner. Considering the schedule of UPSC, Prelims exam takes place in June. So you should start your preparation in December.

How long does it take to complete a UPSC syllabus?

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So, as you see there are a lot of things to be done when you prepare for the IAS exam. Inevitably, on average, people take at least 10-12 months to prepare comprehensively for this demanding exam. However, there have been candidates who would have done it in 6 months.

Is it possible to clear UPSC examination within 6 months?

Yes it is possible but you need to world hard. As you know that UPSC examination is always tough competitive exam. It is also very difficult but not impossible. It you what to clear UPSC examination within 6 months, you need to work very hard.

How can I prepare for UPSC prelims with six months preparation?

You are ready to appear for upsc prelims with six months preparation if: You have been in top students academically, securing atleast >80\% marks in 10th,12th and graduation. You have strong fundamentals in GS. You have been an avid newspaper reader atleast for last two three years. You can devote daily 8–10 hours fulltime.

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Is the ‘prelims hurdle’ more difficult to cross than UPSC Mains?

Only 3 out of 100 candidates who sit for Prelims, clear the cut-off score. Yes, the ‘Prelims Hurdle’ is more difficult to cross than Mains. We have seen many bright candidates lose out in UPSC Prelims due to their over-focus on the UPSC Mains stage. Invest just 2 hours per day. See the big jumb in your marks!

Do you have time to revise NCERT textbooks for UPSC CSE?

NCERT Textbooks (from Class 6-12) are very fundamental in UPSC Preparation. However, do you have time to read and revise all of them – in the next 6 months? Remember that NCERT Textbooks are not the ‘end’ of UPSC CSE, and you have a lot of other books and materials to cover as well.