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How can I get rank below 50 in JEE Advanced?

How can I get rank below 50 in JEE Advanced?

Proven Tips to Get a Top 50 Rank in JEE

  1. Make a Perfect Study Plan and Stick to it:
  2. Engage in Quality Learning:
  3. Get your ‘Basics’ clear:
  4. Refer to Good Books for Better Preparation:
  5. Attempt Mock Tests Quite Often:
  6. Analyze and Work on your Weak Areas:
  7. Revise Regularly:
  8. Take Care of your Health (Mental and Physical):

How many times we can give JEE Advanced 2021?

two times
Criterion 3 – Number of attempts: A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) maximum of two times in two consecutive years.

How to generate the rank predictor for JEE Advanced 2021?

The following steps can be used to generate the rank. Click on given link (will be updated shortly) for the rank predictor. Register using valid credentials. Once the registration is complete, candidates can log in to the tool page where they will have to enter registration number and their expected scores for 2021 JEE Advanced exam.

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How many marks are there in JEE Advanced 2019?

JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank – 2019 Rank Marks 1 346 marks 2 340 marks 3 335 marks 4 333 marks

How do I prepare for the JEE Advanced?

Identify your strong topics – Make a plan to groom yourself to advanced level on these topics. Identify topics where you are intermediate / average – You can still take them to bucket 1, find out a good place to revise and practise. Try and cover 60\% of JEE advanced syllabus in each subject using above two buckets.

How can I ace the JEE Advanced in lockdown?

Lockdown or no lockdown, you can ace JEE advanced if you do these things well. Identify your strong topics – Make a plan to groom yourself to advanced level on these topics. Identify topics where you are intermediate / average – You can still take them to bucket 1, find out a good place to revise and practise.