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How can I make friends on Quora?

How can I make friends on Quora?

Online friends are rather easy.. Go to any forum and then you will get hooked up with people. Discord is a good place to communicate on once you become connected to a community (because you can call, FaceTime, make and share servers, ply games together).. People will introduce you to people they are linked to.

How do I become everyone’s friend?

Be nice to everyone, even if they are mean to you. Smile a lot and lend things to people who need them. Avoid giving people a hard time about things, and remember the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be nice to others and only then they will be your friend.

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How do I make new friends answer?

How to Start a Friendship

  1. Start the conversation. When you’re with someone you’d like to know better, start a conversation.
  2. Show interest. Even if you’re just meeting someone, you can make them feel comfortable by asking the right questions and being a good listener.
  3. Smile.
  4. Share.
  5. Do a small favor.
  6. Keep it going.

How do you make friends?

Making friends is really simple. Whenever I see a person I like and want to be friends with them, I use a simple formula. I walk up to them and say, “Hey, wanna be friends? I think you’re cool because [insert unique quality about them] and I really want a friend I can [activity they like to do] with.”

Is Quora a good way to make friends outside of Facebook?

Facebook not so much. Quora is even less geared to making friends, but it does have more substance to it when compared to Facebook. If you want to make friends who live in other countries, I can think of two ways that will offer you that opportunity. Travel internationally using Airbnb and open your home to international travelers using Airbnb.

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Can you make money by writing answers on Quora?

As we know there are more no of questions posted every day at the same time we are seeing some waste answers irrelevant to that questions and some of them of flooding by spam links. To grow Quora to the next level they have introduced Knowledge prizes a new feature where you can make money by writing answers on Quora.

How can I find friends from other countries?

In the meantime, the learning process can feel daunting: You want to get(Continue reading) You can find groups or make a post to make friends with people from other countries. Visit websites like Meetup, Gumtree, and Craigslist and look for groups or posts created by people from other countries.