Tips and tricks

How can teachers help students who are perfectionists?

How can teachers help students who are perfectionists?

Let the perfectionist know that mistakes are expected. Ask students to share amusing mistakes they have made — and be sure to chime in with a few mistakes of your own. Consider posting such sayings in your classroom as, “We all make mistakes; that’s why they put erasers on pencils.”

How do you address a perfectionist in the classroom?

As well as affecting general well-being, perfectionism can lead to fear of failure. When your whole self-worth and identity are tied to your success, mistakes and setbacks are seen as a threat and you avoid taking risks. We need to talk about these issues – but where to begin?

Why are some students perfectionists?

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Maker writes that perfectionism is closely tied to anxiety, depression, self-harm, obsessive-compulsive disorder and general distress. The need to be perfect can also make a student struggle with fatigue, insomnia and chronic headaches, all of which can negatively impact a child’s ability to learn.

How do I stop being a perfectionist student?

How to Overcome Perfectionism

  1. 1- Become More Aware of Your Tendencies.
  2. 2- Focus on the Positives.
  3. 3- Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes.
  4. 4- Set More Reasonable Goals.
  5. 5- Learn How to Receive Criticism.
  6. 6- Lower the Pressure You Put on Yourself.
  7. 7- Focus on Meaning Over Perfection.
  8. 8- Try Not to Procrastinate.

How do schools fight perfectionism?

Are perfectionists in the classroom?

However, perfectionists are found in all classrooms. Perfectionism from k-12 is a concern in schools as more and more students feel pressured by academics and their peers, and it doesn’t stop there. Perfectionist students go on to be perfectionist adults in the workplace.

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What is the difference between perfectionism and excellence in teaching?

Teachers can help make the difference between an ethic of excellence and perfectionism. Excellence is focused on becoming as good as you can be and developing your skills; perfectionism focuses on not making any mistakes and avoiding looking bad.

How can I help my students manage and overcome perfectionism?

Here are some tips for helping students manage and overcome perfectionism. Educate your students about perfectionism and its consequences. One study found that “a brief low-cost intervention is effective at decreasing the psychological distress in maladaptive perfectionists”.

How does perfectionism affect our well-being?

As well as affecting general well-being, perfectionism can lead to fear of failure. When your whole self-worth and identity are tied to your success, mistakes and setbacks are seen as a threat and you avoid taking risks.