
How can Thanos be defeated?

How can Thanos be defeated?

A man of many words, Wade Wilson actually managed to defeat Thanos simply by talking. Of course, he also inherited the powers of the Uni-Force, which found him worthy and allowed him to gain the abilities of Captain Universe; but it was mostly through talking that Deadpool managed to best the Mad Titan.

What is Thanos’s weakness?

Bigger than his enemies, bigger than his family, bigger than any other cosmic threat, Thanos’s greatest weakness will always be himself. We’ve discussed his ego previously, but it’s his insecurities about his own worthiness that will ever prove to be his downfall.

Can anyone beat Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet?

With an all-powerful being like the Man of Miracles, it’s no question that not even Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet can defeat him. The Man of Miracles is essentially Image Comics’ version of Marvel’s The One Above All and DC’s The Presence.

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Can a black widow defeat Thanos?

Black Widow may be able to defeat a room full of soldiers, but she can’t beat the mad titan. But could she assassinate Thanos by surprise, possibly. Black Widow is known to be a super spy and a master assassin in the MCU. She is very similar to Gamora with better tech.

Who can kill Thanos?

Nobody can kill Thanos. Death has banished Thanos from her realm, which makes him immortal. In the comics, after getting the Infinity Gauntlet , Thanos tries to win Death over by snapping his fingers and literally destroying half of life in the universe.

Can Wolverine beat Thanos?

THANOS. There is one way in which Wolverine could possibly beat Thanos . So , the fact is that thanos is somewhat vunerable to sharp objects like knives or swords (he showed it in a vision he gave to Gamora in Infinity war, he gets stabbed in the neck and dies but it was a vision which he produced by the reality stone).

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Does Thanos kill Hulk?

Hulk can survive in extreme climates,conditions,nuclear attack and he never accept defeat,so he can kill Thanos. One time in comics,Thanos accepted that Hulk can defeat him.

Who has beaten Thanos?

Galactus has fought and beaten Thanos numerous times in the comic book realm. Although Thanos has occasionally pulled a well timed attack on Galactus, he still requires the infinity gauntlet and some prep time to defend against a well fed Galactus.