
How can you tell INTJ and INTP apart?

How can you tell INTJ and INTP apart?

7 Differences Between INTPs and INTJs

  1. #1 – INTJs are Intuitives First, INTPs are Thinkers First.
  2. #2 – INTJs Get Hunches Out of “Nowhere”, INTPs Get Hunches Stemming from Objective Data.
  3. #3 – INTJs Want an Organized External World.
  4. #4 – INTJs Appear Very Direct.
  5. #5 – INTJs Indulge When Stressed.

Can you be in between INTP and INTJ?

You cannot be both INTJ and INTP. You cannot switch back and forth between the two. It’s just not how the system works. Personality types are, generally speaking, static, and receiving different results on online tests is most likely due to imprecise metrics, not your personality type changing.

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Are INTPs confrontational?

INTPs are not afraid of confrontation by any means, but they don’t always feel like dealing with it. They don’t have much patience for people who simply want to cause drama, and can certainly become annoyed when they are sucked into these types of disagreements.

What is the difference between an INTJ and an INTP?

The warmth shows up a little differently for the types, however. The INTJ cares deeply about those they hold dearly, almost resembling an INFJ under such circumstances. The INTP, however, turns into a party animal, resembling more of an ESFP under the influence of a little booze and a group of close friends.

How do other personality types view intjs?

Others tend to view INTJs as reliable, effective and potential leaders. The spontaneous and flexible traits of the INTP are viewed by the majority as irresponsible and they are rarely approached for leadership positions. This is an interesting video of a discussion between an INTP and an INTJ.

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Do INTJ’s get out of hand?

INTJs don’t tend to get too out of hand when they are around others that they value. INTPs can become party animals when they drink some alcohol and go out with some of the friends they care about the most. Some people may be shocked if they aren’t used to this side of their INTP.

What is the INTP’s intuition?

In contrast, the INTP’s extroverted intuition (Ne) is all about idea generation and exploration. This translates to toying around with ideas and playing the devil’s advocate for the sheer sake of it. It’s pretty common to find them nibbling upon another crazy conspiracy theory or learning about .