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How daenerys become the mad queen?

How daenerys become the mad queen?

She used fire to kill the Khals who planned to rape her or sell her into slavery or both — and gained an army of Dothraki in the process. She burned the ships of the Masters who tried to re-enslave the people she freed. Varys’ death in the latest episode may have been hard, but he did in fact plot to usurp the queen.

When did daenerys become the mad queen?

Season 8
Game of Thrones surprised virtually no one in Season 8, Episode 5 by turning Daenerys Targaryen into a bloodthirsty “Mad Queen.” But what caused this transformation? Maybe it was the death of Missandei, or Jorah, or two of her dragons.

Who rang the bells Game of Thrones?

Here’s what we do know: Tyrion is the one who tries to convince Daenerys not to burn the city if she hears the bells ring. He then orchestrates Jaime’s escape and tells his brother to ring the bells of surrender before he heads off to whisk Cersei away to parts unknown.

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Did Daenerys turn into the Mad Queen on Game of Thrones?

Daenerys has officially turned into the Mad Queen on Game of Thrones. Even after Cersei’s army rang the bells of surrender during the siege on King’s Landing, Daenerys decided to fly towards the Red Keep and burn not just Cersei but also the civilians throughout the whole city.

Why did Daenerys attack King’s landing in Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones: The Real Reason Daenerys Attacked. Daenerys Targaryen transformed into the Mad Queen in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones, but the reason she burned King’s Landing to the ground is because she had already lost everyone and everything dearest to her.

Why were they plotting behind Daenerys’s back?

Worse, they were plotting behind her back because the secret that Jon Snow was actually Aegon Targaryen, the son of her dead brother Rhaegal, was spreading. Despite Daenerys’ pleas, Jon told his family Arya and Sansa Stark the truth about his heritage, and Sansa wasted little time to inform Tyrion.

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Who does Daenerys Targaryen look to for guidance?

In the beginning of the series, when she was young and impressionable, she looked to figures like Jorah, Varys, Tyrion, and even her husband, Khal Drogo, for guidance and knowledge. However, since she has become the Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, and a half dozen other titles, she is less inclined to allow her authority to be questioned.