How did Arya get to Riverrun?

How did Arya get to Riverrun?

Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie are discovered by the Brotherhood without Banners. Arya, Hot Pie, and Gendry continue traveling to Riverrun. They are eventually captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners, who mistake them for war refugees. They are taken to a local inn where they are fed.

Did the hound care about Arya?

The Hound had Arya in his care for almost two seasons, and they ran into trouble all the time. In the books, the Hound also had a more overt attraction to Sansa. When he asks her to leave with him and she refuses, he kisses her—and at knifepoint, demands a song for her. He reconciled with Arya Stark.

When did the Hound kidnap Arya?

10 Attempted Murder While The Hound has at least had the decency not to outright try to kill Arya, she took several opportunities to either threaten to kill him or actually attempt it. After The Hound kidnaps Arya, she contemplates stabbing him in his sleep which he, of course, anticipates.

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How does Arya’s disguise work in Game of Thrones?

Wise men can see through artifice, and glamors dissolve before sharp eyes, but the face you are about to don will be as true and solid as that face you were born with. The disguise is applied using the blood, drawn in tribute, running down Arya’s own cut face.

Does Arya use Jaime’s face to kill Cersei?

But instead of the theory that Jaime’s face is used by Arya to kill Cersei, what if Arya is disguised as Tyrion or Jaime thinking that Cersei will accept them — unaware she wants both her brothers dead and when she gets close enough Cersei strikes?

Why did Arya take Walder Frey’s face?

We know Arya took Lord Walder Frey’s face, because she wore it when she poisoned the adult males of House Frey. She didn’t take any of the faces of the poisoned victims, as far as I know. But, she had killed two of Walder’s sons and made Walder a pie: Black Walder (Rivers) and Lothar Frey. Sansa finds ‘faces’ under Arya’s bed.

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What did Arya Stark learn from the game of faces?

As Arya coolly mentions in this scene with Sansa, the Game of Faces taught her to be a good actress and an even better liar. These qualities were both baked into her character and beaten into her last season.