
How did early philosophers view atoms?

How did early philosophers view atoms?

Greek Origins The idea that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles, or atoms, is believed to have originated with the Greek philosopher Leucippus of Miletus and his student Democritus of Abdera in the 5th century B.C. (The word atom comes from the Greek word atomos, which means? indivisible.?)

What did early scientists and philosophers think particles and atoms were like?

The scientist John Dalton carried out a series of experiments. He concluded that all matter was made of tiny particles called atoms. He suggested that an atom was a tiny solid ball.

What are the Greek philosophers ideas about the atom?

The atomic philosophy of the early Greeks Democritus believed that atoms were uniform, solid, hard, incompressible, and indestructible and that they moved in infinite numbers through empty space until stopped. Differences in atomic shape and size determined the various properties of matter.

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How did the ideas of ancient Greek philosopher and other scientist lead in the discovery of atomic structure?

The ancient Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus recorded the concept of the atomos, an indivisible building block of matter, as early as the 5th century BCE. John Dalton, an English chemist and meteorologist, is credited with the first modern atomic theory based on his experiments with atmospheric gases.

How did the philosophers assess atoms in terms of the senses?

How did the philosophers assess atoms in terms of the senses? (They considered the senses to be “not completely reliable in what they report to the mind,” but that whether something is hot, cold, or of a certain color, these characteristics are, in the end, determined by “the type of atom and the quantity of void.”)

Who’s idea was that the atoms of the same element are identical in their masses?

Part 2: All atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties. Dalton proposed that every single atom of an element, such as gold, is the same as every other atom of that element. He also noted that the atoms of one element differ from the atoms of all other elements.

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What does ATOM mean in philosophy?

Atomism (from Greek ἄτομον, atomon, i.e. “uncuttable, indivisible”) is a natural philosophy proposing that the physical universe is composed of fundamental indivisible components known as atoms.

How did early philosophers view atoms and elements?

Originally Answered: How did early philosopher view atoms and elements and how do their differ from our present day concepts of the composition of matter? The first idea was not like the current model, but the ancient Greeks viewed an atom as the minimal divisible part of a substance that could still be considered the same substance.

What is the historical context of the atomic theory?

Context. Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus first developed the concept of the atom in the 5 th century B.C.E. However, since Aristotle and other prominent thinkers of the time strongly opposed their idea of the atom, their theory was overlooked and essentially buried until the 16 th and 17 th centuries.

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What do we know about the early atomists?

Unfortunately we have only bits of the writings of the early atomists. Most of what we know about what they thought comes from reading the criticisms by Aristotle. Democritus of Abdera, known as “The Laughing Philsopher”, had a fairly well worked out idea of atoms.

Who discovered the atom?

Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus first developed the concept of the atom in the 5 th century B.C.E. However, since Aristotle and other prominent thinkers of the time strongly opposed their idea of the atom, their theory was overlooked and essentially buried until the 16 th and 17 th centuries.