
How did medieval archers fight?

How did medieval archers fight?

Medieval Archers in Battle Since the crossbow could be easily operated, it could be used by a single medieval archer without any assistance. The longbow, on the other hand, required cover for the archer while operating it and thus he also used a large shield as a cover during the battle.

Did medieval archers fire in volleys?

If we are discussing the medieval war bow (Crecey etc.), from what I understand, the first volley would be shot on command, but after that the archers would shoot at their own speed which could be up to 12 arrows per minute . So, once it started it would effectively felt like a continuous storm of arrows.

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When were archers first used in battle?

Evidence of ancient archery has been found throughout the world. The earliest evidence of archery dates to the late Paleolithic period, around 10,000 BC, when the Egyptian and neighbouring Nubian cultures used bows and arrows archery for the purposes of hunting and warfare.

How did archery spread?

In ancient history, archery was adopted by the ancient Egyptians who were the first to make a composite bow around 2800BC, which is created from a number of different materials. They were quickly followed by other powerful forces such as Persians, Greeks and Romans who all used it as the main weapon in their conquests.

How were archers deployed?

To protect archers, particularly crossbowmen, against enemy archers, they were often deployed behind men with large shields, called pavises. This technique is first noted during the Crusades in the 12th century, for example at Jaffa, but was particularly common in Italy in the later Middle Ages.

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How far would archers shoot?

Archers shoot over distances of up to 90 metres, although the standard competition distances are 70 metres (for recurve) and 50 metres (for compound), usually at the recognisable five-colour target, consisting of 10 scoring zones and gold, red, blue, black and white rings.

How were archers used in the Middle Ages?

But it was in the Middle Ages that archers were used to great effect. Both the crossbow and longbow were inexpensive, being made from materials which were easily to obtain. Both weapons were fashioned from yew, ash, hazel or elm. There were two main types of weapon used medieval archers; the longbow and the crossbow.

How was the crossbow used in the Middle Ages?

The bow and arrow has been used as a hunting and fighting weapon for at least 5,000 years in mainland Europe. But it was in the Middle Ages that archers were used to great effect. Both the crossbow and longbow were inexpensive, being made from materials which were easily to obtain. Both weapons were fashioned from yew, ash, hazel or elm.

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How dangerous was it to shoot a longbow in medieval warfare?

The main risk to anyone shooting a longbow or crossbow was the time it took to load an arrow, take aim and fire, during which the soldier was defenseless. The archer often carried a short sword for defense or was placed behind a defense wall of soldiers armed with swords and protected with shields.

What weapons were used in the Middle Ages?

There were two main types of weapon used medieval archers; the longbow and the crossbow. Historians still debate which was the superior weapon, but either could cause devastation on a battlefield. The longbow was used in medieval mainland Europe, but was particularly popular in England.