
How did people light castles?

How did people light castles?

Castles had basic lavatories called garderobes. Light was provided by candles or oil lamps, rarely by the sort of effective torches depicted in Hollywood films. In early medieval times fires were still placed in the centre of the the Great Halll, often with a sort of lantern tower above to let the smoke out.

How were medieval castles illuminated?

Medieval lighting came from large central fireplaces, candles, rush lights, flaming torches or lanterns. Candles, which had been around since Roman times, were made from animal fat, or beeswax if you were wealthy. These lights look particularly good in rooms with high ceilings or in barn conversions.

What was the role of the Lady of the castle in medieval times?

A lady of a castle had the task of the daily running of the castle. She and her husband usually lived on the top floor of the castle and they even had their own private chapel. The primary role of the lady of the castle was to rear their children and to make sure they were well educated.

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Who used to work in a castle?

An English medieval castle, if a large one, could have a household staff of at least 50 people, which included all manner of specialised and skilled workers such as cooks, grooms, carpenters, masons, falconers, and musicians, as well as a compliment of knights, bowmen, and crossbow operators.

Who lived in a castle in medieval times?

During the late Middle Ages, from the 10th to the 16th centuries, kings and lords lived in castles. As well as the lord, the lady (his wife), and their family there were lots of staff. Some were important officials, such as the constable who took care of the castle when the lord was away.

How were houses lit in the Middle Ages?

Candles, oil lamps, rushlights and braziers were primary light sources. Candles or oil lamps would either be used in ceiling based chandeliers or floor standing candelabras. Torches were also used, but most often for mobile lighting in castle walls.

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What did lords and ladies do in medieval times?

The lord was expected to pay taxes to the king and provide soldiers when needed. A Lady: A Lord also needed a wife who was called a Lady. Her job was to take care of the manor, run the house, and most importantly to have children. Women in medieval times had no rights.

Who were the occupants of a castle?

Who were the occupants of the castle? the lord and lady, their family, knights and other-men-at-arms, and servants. the brutality of knighthood and feudal warfare.

Who is in charge of a castle?

Castellan: resident owner or person in charge of a castle (custodian).

Where did people sleep in medieval castles?

Below the hall were large rooms where the knights and the king’s guards would have slept and eaten. Most people would have slept on the floors rather than in beds and all in the same large room. There was not much privacy. Some castles did not have a central keep but had strong towers built along the curtain walls.

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How did castles change during the Middle Ages?

Over the course of the medieval period, castles had to make adaptations that allowed them to deal more effectively with changes in siege warfare. True castles became obsolete during the 15 th century, when artillery became powerful enough to breach the stone walls of castles.

What was the role of servants in a medieval castle?

Many of the male servants were purely military personnel; there would be a gatekeeper, as well as various numbers of knights and esquires to garrison the castle as a military unit. Yet many of these would also serve other functions, and there would be servants entirely devoted to domestic tasks.

What was the purpose of a keep in a castle?

The introduction of keeps resulted in the separation of living areas for the King or Lord and his family away from their servants. There was a range of accommodation in a castle for the range of people who lived in it. The King and Queen would have had the most comfort having private chambers in the keep.