Tips and tricks

How did people socialize in the 80s?

How did people socialize in the 80s?

All socializing happened on the playground. In the ’80s, the only way to interact with friends was face-to-face, in real time, usually on the playground. Instead of depending on texts, Twitter DMs, or SnapChat, your friends were people that you actually knew and saw on a daily basis.

Was 90s the best decade?

The ’90s Were the Best Decade, Thanks to Its Amazing Pop Culture. Pick an area of pop culture, and the ’90s consciousness still reigns supreme. It was a better time because there was nowhere else we wanted to be, and everyone was free to be themselves.

What was it like growing up in the 1970s?

And that is especially true if you grew up in the 1970s. Sure, it was a decade that will mostly be remembered for Vietnam and Watergate. But, for those of us who grew up in the ’70s, it was the sweetest time to be alive, an innocent era where disco reigned supreme and we all had haircuts that made us look like Chia Pets.

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Were the 1970s the best years to be a kid?

But, for those of us who grew up in the ’70s, it was the sweetest time to be alive, an innocent era where disco reigned supreme and we all had haircuts that made us look like Chia Pets. From the glorious simplicity of pet rocks to the musical lessons of Schoolhouse Rock, here are 25 reasons the 1970s were the absolute best years to be a kid.

How can the ’70s be five decades in the past?

Here’s one thing everybody who was alive during the 1970s can agree on: The entire decade still feels like it only happened yesterday. Seriously, how can the ’70s be five decades in the past? It’s just not possible that the era ruled by bell-bottom jeans and 8-track cassettes was half a century ago.

What was it like to race at a playground in the 70s?

Playgrounds in the ’70s were about as user-friendly as modern-day adult obstacle endurance races. Sure, there wasn’t as much barbed wire, but the equipment was just as unforgiving and brutal. Monkey bars were made of cold steel that could break bones without mercy.