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How did Superman move the Earth?

How did Superman move the Earth?

Superman thought that he was bringing himself back to his normal levels, but in reality he had dampened his powers to half of his normal levels. Even at his reduced levels, Superman was able to move the Earth so that it was out of the beam of the satellite!

How can we reverse the Earth’s rotation?

The only way the direction of rotation can be reversed would be to apply a huge force to slow the rotation down to a stop and then reverse it. The affect of such a force would be catastrophic. The speed of rotation can be slowed by tidal locking.

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Can Superman still reverse time?

Superman’s faster than a speeding bullet, and with the help of the Flash’s cosmic treadmill, he can use that speed to be faster than time itself. Superman could forward and backward in time. He did it with the Legion of Super Heroes.

How did Superman turn back time?

Many of us remember in 1978’s Superman, that after Lois Lane died in a car accident, the Man of Steel grew angry and flew around the Earth so fast that he turned back time and was able to save her.

How fast does Superman fly?

Back in the 1930s, Superman’s flying speed was somewhere around 100 mph. This is ridiculously slow when compared to the current portrayals. According to various sources, he travels at least as fast as the speed of sound – which is somewhere in the region of 770 mph.

Who is opposite of Superman?

It has been suggested by both comic book fans and anthropologists that the Bizarro character, who is the opposite of Superman and all he stands for, was a metaphor for the Soviet Union at a time when Superman was seen as the embodiment of the United States in the 1950s.

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How did Superman change the direction of the Earth’s rotation?

Superman wasn’t exerting a force on the Earth. He was just flying fast enough to go back in time. (Faster than light, I guess? Comic book physics.) The Earth changed direction because we were watching time run backward as he traveled. It didn’t actually have anything to do with the direction he was flying.

Why doesn’t Superman go backwards when he slows down?

Once he kept accelerating, the backwards motion should begin immediately. Even worse, the fact that time is going backwards is a function of Superman’s speed, not his direction. The instant he slowed down from supra-light speed, time should have started going forward for him again. Instead:

What happens when Superman slows down from supra-light speed?

The instant he slowed down from supra-light speed, time should have started going forward for him again. Instead: The Earth continues to rotate backwards even as Superman slows down. It should have slowed down, stopped, and began rotating normally as Supes decelerated.

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How does supes fix the Earth’s rotation?

Once he’s finished, Supes comes to a complete stop, then begins flying in the direction of normal rotation. During that time, the Earth continues to rotate backwards, until Supes acheives the same rotational speed as he did originally, at which point the Earth then begins to rotate in its correct speed and direction again.