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How did the Iliad and Odyssey influence the world?

How did the Iliad and Odyssey influence the world?

The Iliad and the Odyssey influenced the world through their formative influence on ancient Greek culture, literature, and religion.

How did the Iliad influence the world?

Most significantly, the Iliad changed the way people worshipped. According to the 5th-Century historian Herodotus, it was Homer, with the poet Hesiod, who “described the gods for the Greeks”, and who also gave them human characters – the characters that shape the Olympian gods we recognise today.

What did the Odyssey influence?

In fact, Homer’s Epics were awe-inspiring and profoundly influential at the time of their creation and were highly influential in Greek culture. Additionally, his writings/message spread and helped influence western culture. Lastly, his writings had a massive impact on future writing and literary styles.

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What was Homer’s influence?

Homer’s most important contribution to Greek culture was to provide a common set of values that enshrined the Greeks’ own ideas about themselves. His poems provided a fixed model of heroism, nobility and the good life to which all Greeks, especially aristocrats, subscribed.

Why is the Iliad important?

Why is the Iliad important? For the ancient Greeks, the Iliad reminded them of their history and added to their identity. The Trojan War victory filled them with a sense of pride to be descended from the great Greek heroes such as Achilles.

Why was the Iliad important?

What are the Iliad and the Odyssey and why are they important to western literature?

Attributed to the singular ancient Greek poet Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey are considered to be, not only, the most important works of ancient Greek literature but the oldest extant works of Western literature. The Odyssey tells the epic tale of the journey of Odysseus, King of Ithaca, after the fall of Troy.

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How is the odyssey relevant to our world today?

One of the significant ways the Odyssey is relevant to the modern day is through its examination of mortality, as through this we can see how the text teaches us to respect the dead, but also how in turn the text suggests we live our lives. This is achieved mainly through the use of spirits of the dead in Book 11.

What does the Iliad teach us?

The Iliad, the story of the Trojan War, offers several moral lessons to its readers, including the importance of leaders treating their soldiers with respect, the importance of accepting apologies, and the need for respecting family bonds.

Why is the Iliad so important?

For the ancient Greeks, the Iliad reminded them of their history and added to their identity. The Trojan War victory filled them with a sense of pride to be descended from the great Greek heroes such as Achilles. Today the Iliad gives insight into the horrors and inevitability of war across time.