
How did Thor know where Wakanda was?

How did Thor know where Wakanda was?

The Russo Brothers broke it down as part of the Avengers: Infinity War Vudu Viewing Party when a fan asked how they knew about the battle. They wrote “Thor knows Thanos is going after the Stones, and he knows that there are Stones on Earth, so that’s what leads him to Wakanda.

How did Thanos know the location of the stones?

He did get it after the attack on the Asgardians, so perhaps he got that information through torturing them. He knew the Mind stone was on Earth – he gave it to Loki to take there, in order to try and gain the Space stone. He was aware in the aftermath, that the space stone went to Asgard.

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Was Thanos in Wakanda in What If?

However, as gruesome as the episode was from start to finish, one of the biggest shocks came at the very end, when the cliffhanger revealed the presence of zombie Thanos in Wakanda, complete with five out of the six Infinity Stones in the Infinity Gauntlet.

How did Thanos get bit?

Turned into a Zombie Zombified Thanos standing inside Wakanda Once he obtained five Infinity Stones in the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos used the Space Stone to create a portal and travelled to Earth to Wakanda. Upon arriving, he was attacked by zombies and became infected himself.

How did Thanos give Loki the Scepter?

One particular act that always stood out for Marvel fans is how The Avengers eventually reveals that it was Thanos (via his lackey, the Other) who gave Loki the scepter (with the Mind Stone inside) in exchange for the Tesseract, aka the Space Stone.

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Who are Thanos’ Black Order?

At D23 Fan Expo, Marvel Studios revealed five statues to give us our first look at the Black Order, Thanos’ group of super-powered cronies that will debut in Avengers: Infinity War.

What is the Black Order in Infinity War?

Avengers: Infinity War: Thanos’ Black Order, Explained. In the context of Marvel Comics history, the Black Order is a new entity, having been introduced in 2013 by Jonathan Hickman, Jerome Opena and Jim Cheung in New Avengers. The title focused on the Illuminati — a group then comprising Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Namor,…

Who are the children of Thanos in Infinity War?

RELATED: Thanos’ Black Order Confirmed For Avengers: Infinity War. Referred to as the “Children of Thanos” at the unveiling of their statues on the exhibition floor, the team of cosmic villains in the epic sequel will consist of Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf (renamed Cull Obsidian in the film).

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Is Infinity War’s Wakanda among the Mad Titan’s minions?

Wakanda’s inclusion in Infinity War had led fans to speculate this behemoth might be among the Mad Titan’s minions.