Tips and tricks

How did ww1 soldiers get through barbed wire?

How did ww1 soldiers get through barbed wire?

Many soldiers were killed by machine-gun fire as they tried to climb over the wire. Using shell-fire to blow up the barbed wire was ineffective, so soldiers used wire cutters to cut through the wire at night.

How was barbed wire used as a defense in trench warfare?

Soldiers would defend their trenches with barbed wire by installing the barbed wire a distance away on the ground from the tops of their trenches. When used as a trap, artillery and gun fire were sometimes used specifically to direct enemy soldiers into already constructed barbed wire snares.

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What did soldiers do to protect themselves from shells during World War I?

Trenches provided protection from bullets and shells, but they did carry their own risks. Trench foot, trench fever, dysentery, and cholera could inflict casualties as readily as any enemy.

Why was there barbed wire in No Man’s Land?

steel pickets and rolls of wire. Barbed-wire was usually placed far enough from the trenches to prevent the enemy from the trenches to prevent the enemy from approaching close enough to lob grenades in. Sometimes barbed-wire entanglements were set up in order to channel attacking infantry into machine-gun fire.

When was barbed wire used ww1?

More than a million miles of barbed wire was laid on the Western Front alone between 1914 and 1918 — and to some, that’s a conservative estimate.

Why was barbed wire an important part of trench warfare?

Barbed-wire was usually placed far enough from the trenches to prevent the enemy from the trenches to prevent the enemy from approaching close enough to lob grenades in. Before a major offensive soldiers were sent out to cut a path with wire-cutters.

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What was the purpose of barbed wire?

Barbed wire, also known as barb wire, occasionally corrupted as bobbed wire or bob wire, is a type of steel fencing wire constructed with sharp edges or points arranged at intervals along the strands. It is used to construct inexpensive fences and is used atop walls surrounding secured property.

Where did soldiers go to the toilet in the trenches?

The latrines was the name given to trench toilets. They were usually pits, 4 ft. to 5 ft. deep, dug at the end of a short sap. Each company had two sanitary personnel whose job it was to keep the latrines in good condition.

How did they overcome barbed wire in WW1?

All manner of techniques were tried to overcome barbed wire from having volunteers throw their bodies across entanglements and then allowing comrades to charge across their backs to laying rubber mats down across the entanglements. Wire cutters became as valuable to soldiers on the Western Front as any weapon.

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How many miles of barbed wire were laid on the Western Front?

More than a million miles of barbed wire was laid on the Western Front alone between 1914 and 1918 — and to some, that’s a conservative estimate. PERHAPS NOTHING IS MORE emblematic of warfare in the modern age as barbed wire.

How did they make barbed wire so strong?

Some of the brightest minds on both sides spent considerable time dreaming up new ways to make barbed wire even nastier. Points were lengthened, made ever sharper and bunched closer together for maximum effect. The strands themselves were also fortified to resist rust, bullets, shellfire and wire cutters.

What is ‘barbed-wire disease’?

This brought Vischer to the conclusion that what was already being dubbed ‘barbed-wire disease’ in some of the camp newspapers was a universal human response to being held behind barbed wire for prolonged stretches of time. It was not confined to a pathological minority within camp communities, but was something common to all (long-term) inmates.