Tips and tricks

Why should we not have arranged marriages?

Why should we not have arranged marriages?

To allow arranged marriages leads to unacceptable pressure on those involved. They are often reliant… Arranged marriage is bad both for the individual women concerned and for women generally in society…. Arranged marriage is not a true ‘cultural value’ that is in some sense inviolate.

Are arranged marriages good or bad thing?

Arranged marriages provide equal stature, financial stability, cultural identity and the same opinions among partners and families, so, there is very less chance of disputes. The only downside to this is that partners do not know each other nor do they love each other before the marriage; well, most of the times.

What is the problem with arranged marriage?

People in arranged marriages face many of the same issues as people who marry for love—communication, infidelity, the death of romance, fights about money, and different parenting philosophies—and sometimes seek counseling to resolve these issues.

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What is the concept of arranged marriage?

Definition of arranged marriage : a marriage in which the spouses are chosen for each other by their parents.

Why love marriages are better than arranged?

Hence, there won’t be many conflicts. Those who want to go for a love marriage have more choices than those who go for an arranged marriage because arranged marriages mostly happen with people of the same caste/class/religion. Planned love lives results in happy families. Generally, equality prevails in love marriages.

Are arranged marriages forced?

In an arranged marriage, both the bride and the groom consent to have their marriage arranged (with varying degrees of choice about when and whom to wed); in a forced marriage, one or both of them is coerced into the marriage and does not give full, free consent.

Why is love marriage better than arranged marriage?

Love marriage: The partners are fully responsible to make their life decisions and the stand to take during conflicts. Hence they are not in a position to blame others for any losses or gains. Arranged marriage: The families of the marrying couple come together into a new relationship.