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How did you use completing the square in solving the given equation?

How did you use completing the square in solving the given equation?

Completing the Square is a method used to solve a quadratic equation by changing the form of the equation so that the left side is a perfect square trinomial . To solve ax2+bx+c=0 by completing the square: 1. Transform the equation so that the constant term, c , is alone on the right side.

What is the example of completing square?

For example, x²+6x+9=(x+3)². However, even if an expression isn’t a perfect square, we can turn it into one by adding a constant number. For example, x²+6x+5 isn’t a perfect square, but if we add 4 we get (x+3)². This, in essence, is the method of *completing the square*.

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How can square roots be used to solve quadratics?

Key Strategy in Solving Quadratic Equations using the Square Root Method. The general approach is to collect all {x^2} terms on one side of the equation while keeping the constants to the opposite side. After doing so, the next obvious step is to take the square roots of both sides to solve for the value of x.

How many solutions does each quadratic equation by extracting square roots have?

A solution to such an equation is called a rootA solution to a quadratic equation in standard form.. Quadratic equations can have two real solutions, one real solution, or no real solution. If the quadratic expression on the left factors, then we can solve it by factoring.

What are the four steps for solving a quadratic equation?

There are four steps in solving quadratic equations by this method: Step 1: Isolate the and terms. Step 2: Make the coefficient on the term equal to . Step 3: Complete the square. Step 4: Solve the equation in step 3 by taking the square root of both sides of the equation. Step 1: Isolate the and terms.

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What are some methods of solving quadratic equations?

Method 1 – Factorising the Equation. If the quadratic equation has real,rational solutions,the quickest way to solve it is often to factorise into the form (px+q)

  • Method 2 – Completing the Square.
  • Method 3 – The Quadratic Formula.
  • How do you solve the equation by completing the square?

    When completing the square, be sure to add to both sides of the equation. To solve a quadratic equation by completing the square, write the equation in the form x 2 + bx = d. Before completing the square, make sure the leading coeffi cient is 1. Complete the square.

    How do you calculate quadratic equations?

    The Quadratic Formula: For ax2 + bx + c = 0, the values of x which are the solutions of the equation are given by: For the Quadratic Formula to work, you must have your equation arranged in the form (quadratic) = 0. Also, the 2a in the denominator of the Formula is underneath everything above, not just the square root.