Tips and tricks

How do I choose between two groups of friends?

How do I choose between two groups of friends?

Think about their personality, how they treat you, and what you do together. Don’t put down more superficial things, even if they have got a really cool haircut or a nice house. Compare the two lists and pick out the most significant things.

Why do best friends become enemies?

In short, friends become enemies because they are not meant to know one another for the long term and one has a callous heart/demeanor or an emotionally immature attitude. Or they just become unequal when they were on a more or less equal level, or because one carries a very weighted karma.

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How do you know if a friend is an enemy?

11 Signs Your Friend Is Actually Your Frenemy

  1. They Talk Behind Your Back. Pexels.
  2. They Don’t Celebrate Your Wins.
  3. They Point Out All The Negative Things About Your Life.
  4. They’re Very Competitive.
  5. They’re Passive Aggressive.
  6. Conversations Always Revolve Around Them.
  7. They’re Selfish With Their Time.
  8. They Take Advantage Of You.

What do you do when a friend becomes an enemy?

However, there are ways you can cope when your best friend becomes your worst enemy.

  1. 1 Try to Talk It out.
  2. 2 Take Time to Grieve.
  3. 3 Branch out Your Friendships.
  4. 4 Don’t Give in to Insults.
  5. 5 Ignore the Situation.
  6. 6 Try to Understand.
  7. 7 Keep It Cordial.
  8. 8 Look for Distractions.

How do I identify my enemy?

People who gossip behind your back, spreading malicious rumors or letting out your darkest secrets, are not your friends. If you find someone is gossiping about you, they’re probably your enemy. For instance, maybe you told a “friend” about something that was going on at home, like your parents getting a divorce.

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Can You Be Friends with your enemy and still be friends?

It is possible for someone to be friends with you and friends with your enemy without being unduly influenced by either party. This happens to many of us when two friends separate and divorce. We don’t take one side or the other … we remain friends with both individuals. We must allow our friends the same courtesy.

Do you have to choose between two friends who don’t get on?

You might feel as if you have to choose between two friends who don’t get on. Making this kind of decision will be hard and upsetting, so be sure you have considered alternative options first.

What to do when your friends are fighting with each other?

Be wary of putting yourself in the firing line. If your friends are fighting you will probably think you should intervene to try to calm everybody down. This could work, but be aware that your intervention might be interpreted as siding with one over the other, which will only make things worse.

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Why is it important to know your friends and enemies?

It may be a more important time than ever to know not just who your friends and enemies are, but those confusing social interactions which, for lack of personal information, connection and in-person meeting, are somewhere in between.