
How do I combine survey monkey results?

How do I combine survey monkey results?

To combine or hide answer choices:

  1. Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey.
  2. Scroll to the chart you want to hide answer choices from.
  3. Click the answer choice from the data table below the chart.
  4. Select either Combine with… or Hide and recalculate.
  5. If combining, select the answer choices and rename the label.

How do I group responses in survey Monkey?

Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey. Create the filters you want to combine. In the ø Rules section of the left sidebar, click + Filter. Click Combine multiple filters.

How do I compare the results of two surveys in survey Monkey?

To create a compare rule:

  1. Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey.
  2. In the ø Rules section of the left sidebar, click + Compare.
  3. Select a compare rule type.
  4. Choose the criteria you want to focus on.
  5. Click Apply.
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How do I consolidate data from a survey?

Consolidate / Merge Data

  1. Select a survey under Select a survey to map question data with:
  2. Click on Add Question Mapping.
  3. Select the question you wish to map.
  4. The next drop-down will show the questions with similar format.
  5. Click on Merge Data.

How do I merge pages in survey Monkey?

Adding Pages Click + New Page below any page in your survey to add a new page in that spot. Adds an intro page to the beginning of a survey. Creates a new page in your survey. You can either click to add the page to the end of the survey or drag and drop the page after another page in the survey.

How do I merge pages in Survey Monkey?

How do you statistically analyze questionnaire data?

How to Analyze Survey Results

  1. Understand the four measurement levels.
  2. Select your survey question(s).
  3. Analyze quantitative data first.
  4. Use cross-tabulation to better understand your target audience.
  5. Understand the statistical significance of the data.
  6. Consider causation versus correlation.

Can I merge two surveys qualtrics? Combining data from two identical surveys 1. Select the survey you would like to use to hold the combined data. If you would like to preserve the two data sets separately, then create a third copy of the survey to hold the combined data.

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How do I enable multiple responses in survey Monkey?

Here’s how to allow multiple respondents to answer from the same device:

  1. Go to the Collect Responses section of your survey.
  2. Click the name of the collector to access the collector options.
  3. Click Multiple Responses.
  4. Select On to allow the survey to be taken more than once from the same device.

Can you add sections in survey Monkey?

Under the Design Survey tab, you can add questions, pages, and additional content to your survey from the BUILDER section of the left sidebar. Simply drag and drop any of the following elements directly onto your survey, or click to add them to the end of the survey.

What is the best way to display survey results?

Graphs, diagrams, and tables are all great and attractive ways to present survey results that are easy to understand. The major reason for using visuals is clarity as some data can be better understood when explained visually. And when it comes to presenting data, nothing is more effective than a table or graph.

How do I merge multiple survey results?

Use Data Trends to track your survey results over time with multiple collectors. Combine or hide answer choices in your survey results by creating a custom chart. It’s not possible to merge the results of two separate surveys, even if they are identical in design or copies of one another.

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What can I do with SurveyMonkey data?

DataHero makes it easy to connect your SurveyMonkey data, create stunning charts and visualizations of your survey results, and share those insights with your teams and clients. We also make it possible to merge survey results at scale with some of our Enterprise level plans. Just send us an email and we’ll be happy to discuss your specific needs.

Is it possible to combine two survey designs?

But it’s actually harder than you may think. SurveyMonkey actually says it’s not possible to merge two survey designs or the results of two separate surveys, according to their Help Center.

How do I combine or hide answer choices in a survey?

Combine or hide answer choices in your survey results by creating a custom chart. It’s not possible to merge the results of two separate surveys, even if they are identical in design or copies of one another. If you need to merge the data of two separate surveys, export the data for each survey and try combining the files in Excel.